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Health Fitness

10 minutes for a healthy back!

Nothing can make you feel vulnerable faster than seemingly unexpected back pain. And if you know the feeling, it’s probably not very comforting that four out of five adults share it at some point.

However, only a small percentage of back problems are really serious. Eighty percent of all low back pain is due to a simple muscle strain. Even more important: this pain almost always develops gradually, meaning the moment your back “pops out” it is the end result, not the cause. And the cause, most of the time, is years and years of bad back habits.

So what can you do to offset the odds? That’s what is presented on the next few pages: a ten-minute, ten-move formula to prevent a back problem from developing. A little daily attention to your back at home, at work, in workouts can keep your back young for a long, long time.

A healthy back is maintained this way thanks to a supporting cast of strong and flexible muscles. That’s why this simple routine targets the key muscles that stabilize the back in the torso and legs. It specifically stretches the flexors, the muscles in the front of the body that tend to tighten and shorten, and strengthens the extensors, the back muscles that tend to be underused and weak, as well as the abdominals that support the spine.

Results: a trimmer and straighter medium posture, as well as prevention and relief of back pain.

You will need enough space to lie down, an exercise mat or soft surface, a small towel, along a drawstring or belt, and ten minutes a day.

  1. LOW BACK RELEASE: Lie on your back with your right leg straight. Hold your left knee toward your chest with your hands on the back of your thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  2. HIP SIDE STRETCH: Lie on your back with your right leg stretched out on the floor. Bend your left leg toward your chest. Grab the left knee with both hands and pull the leg up and across the body towards the right shoulder. Feel the stretch on the outside of your left hip. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  3. FRONT BODY LENGTH: Lie on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders and your elbows bent. Push up to slowly lift your shoulders / chest by stretching your arms as much as possible while keeping your hips in contact with the mat / floor. Hold for ten seconds and remember to breathe.
  4. FRONT HIP STRETCH: Kneel on a towel with your left knee and place both hands on your right thigh and bent in front of you. Keeping your back straight, move your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your upper left thigh. Don’t let the right knee bend past the right foot. Hold for ten seconds. Do it again with the other leg.
  5. THIGH BACK DETREACHER: Lie on your back. Place a rolled towel under your lower back. Keep your legs straight. Wrap the drawstring or belt around the heel of your right leg and slowly lift your straight leg up until you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh. Hold for ten seconds. Do it again with the other leg.
  6. STRENGTHENING THE LOWER BACK: Lie on your back with your heels close to your buttocks. And gently lift your buttocks and lower your back off the floor until your thighs and back are in a straight line. Hold for ten seconds and remember to breathe.
  7. ABDOMINAL SIGNATOR: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels close to your buttocks. Spread your hands between your thighs. Exhaling, gently bend your head and shoulders up until your shoulder blades are off the ground. Hold for ten seconds.
  8. WAIST SHAPE: Lie on your left side with your legs bent at the hips and knees. Raise your head shoulder up until your left shoulder comes off the ground. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  9. STRENGTHENING OF FULL BACK: Lie on your stomach, with your arms at your sides. Exhale and gently lift your shoulders and chest off the mat / floor. Hold for ten seconds and remember to breathe.
  10. LOWER BACK LIBERATOR: Lie on your back with your knees bent, your heels close to your buttocks, your shoulders flat, and your arms extended out to the sides. Slowly lower your knees to the left and gently roll your hips and lower back. Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the other side.


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