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Legal Law

Best Dallas Texas White Collar Attorneys

Best Dallas Texas

A white collar criminal defense attorney is just one aspect of the justice system that can help you, if you have been charged with a white collar crime. Other aspects include state laws on felonies and other crimes, as well as your local court system’s policies and procedures for plea bargains. The bottom line is that you are innocent until proven guilty, but even when found guilty, it is always better to go to the negotiating table with the prosecution rather than face long years in prison or even be given a life sentence.

A good Dallas Texas white collar attorney will understand all the factors that go into convicting someone of a crime. He or she will know exactly what evidence is needed in order to win the case. Additionally, they will also know what procedures must be followed when applying for a search warrant or bail. Many times a warrant will be called out for a person who has skipped bail, only to be caught later in the courthouse, where a warrant is carried. When this happens, the person can be arrested again without warning.

Dallas White collar crime lawyer

A defense attorney will know how to use the legal system to his or her advantage, or to at least lower the charges to something more reasonable. There are several ways to do this. The first is to talk with the prosecution about the charges against the individual. Many times the best line of defense is simple common sense. For example, if they had a blood alcohol level above the legal limit, they were driving under the influence of alcohol, which is a crime.

Best Dallas Texas White Collar Attorneys

If a person has previous arrests for drunk driving, theft, or assault, then their case may not be able to get reduced to a white collar charge. The legal process does take time, and sometimes the prosecution does not have all the facts to present in the case. This can result in a higher white collar sentence than a person could have received if they had their facts straight and knew what to expect. Attorneys are experienced in negotiating these types of cases. They know when they need to ask for a reduction in a defendant’s sentence or when they should present their case completely.

The second step is to research the laws in your area, and how they may apply to you. In the Dallas area, the laws regarding weapons are different than they are in other areas of Texas. You will need to find out what the laws are, before you discuss them with a lawyer. Not knowing the law can cost you time, money, and possibly even a criminal record. If someone is convicted of a crime in another jurisdiction, they cannot be tried in your city.

Attorneys have a wide range of experience and can often save people a lot of time and money by preparing the best defense possible. It can be disappointing to go to trial and not get the results you want. If you are innocent, but do not have the funds to hire a white collar defense attorney, then consider taking advantage of the free court date that is usually offered. This will give you the best chance of a positive outcome.


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