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Month: June 2021

Fun, money and profits: the career of a car salesman

Have you ever thought about having a career as a car salesman? This could be the perfect time to become a professional car salesperson or car saleswoman. Automakers are making changes in the way they do business and are holding…

How to implement infographic marketing for SEO

In a new digital world, you have to get really creative to win in the field of marketing. Infographic marketing is a great way to do content marketing, in a world where more and more people are sharing and being…

Big toys for big kids

Imagine a little one, touching the ground, “Vroom, vroom, my cars go vroom!” Imagine looking around the little one’s room and seeing a race car bed, race tracks on the wall, and containers full of little metal cars. We will…

Mame arcade machines: are they for the purists?

For people who don’t know what MAME is, it is an arcade emulator made for Microsoft Windows in 1997. In short, what it did was allow any PC owner to play all those classic arcade games. video games of the…

5 exercises to stay strong in the off-season of judo

The Christmas and New Years period is always quite busy and it is important to maintain your strength and fitness or else your first return training session is going to hurt. I recently spent 4 weeks in Nepal and as…

Why legal advice is needed for a variety of life situations

Legal matters form a large part of everyday life. In one way or another, everyone is affected by various legal issues. For that reason, we need to engage the services of legal advisers at different times in our lives. Legal…

Eight things your car dreams may be trying to show you

With the proliferation of motorized vehicles traveling the face of this Earth, it should come as no surprise that these gas-consuming and smog-generating necessities cross our dreams from time to time. I can almost guarantee that in the past people…

Ragdoll Cat Care – How Much Do You Know About Ragdolls? Examine yourself and find out

If you know anything about Ragdoll cats, you know how easy it is to fall in love with them. Ragdoll cats need care that other cat breeds may not need. When considering ownership of a Ragdoll, it is important to…

Is it worth investing in US Savings Bonds?

With savings accounts and certificates of deposits paying extremely low interest rates in recent years; Time to consider putting money in US savings bonds? Depending on your age, you may remember years ago when many employers offered an automatic payroll…

Asura’s wrath

Asura’s wrath is a genre defying video game developed by CyberConnect2 and published by Capcom. CC2 is probably best known for his work on the dotHack and the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja franchises. Here they have crafted an elegant and exaggerated…