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Month: September 2021

5 steps to know your target market

There is a good chance that the target market you are looking for is similar to yours. After all, you are probably interested in a topic that really sounds familiar to you and that is why you want to spread…

Stylish Homes

INTERIORS FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM A house has many sands as we discussed earlier. We will discuss some of the most essential areas of the house. Starting with the living room, we can say that it is the busiest room…

Game crossovers: How much is too much?

The first crossover game appeared in Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, a classic game that combines popular characters from two franchises to collide in combat. Following the success of this game, the title paved the way for many more…

Wayfinding: definition and where it comes from

People have always relied on visual landmarks or landmarks to help them navigate through an environment. Early humans followed hoof tracks and grass trails to track animals in search of food. Native Americans leaned over saplings tied to the ground…

Prevent ‘sitting sickness’ with a standing desk

The human body is made to move. In reality, the body is designed to stand and walk long distances. Unfortunately, with our information-based society, we no longer use our bodies while working in agriculture or spending so much time outside…

Winter solstice: the initiation castle of the north

Winter is the time to go inward for healing, rejuvenation, and rebirth as the Celtic Wheel of the Year turns to its northernmost point. Still, the solstice itself celebrates the return of light. Arianrhod, as goddess of the moon, sea…

How many calories can I eat and keep losing weight?

To find out how many calories to consume, first start with where you are. In other words, find out how many calories it takes to maintain your current size, and then cut back from there. You can do it in…

Some fun with old-fashioned hat terms – Part Two – Renaissance Europe to 1799

Some dark and unusual words come to light when looking back at the history of hats and headdresses. Having recently finished reading THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN (by Simon Winchester, HarperCollins 1998) about the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary,…

Parasitic Infection, Candida, Fungi – Monsters Inside Me That Cause Itching, Rash, And Bedbugs

World traveler and former fitness trainer reveals the truth about parasites, yeast, yeast, and infections. Beware of itchy skin and rash as they may reveal something under the skin. Beyond bed bugs, scratches and body torment can be caused by…

Simplified dog training: train your puppy on a leash

Young puppies, like toddlers, learn best if you start working with them early and are consistent. Their brains evolve at an astonishing rate, creating new connections and memory pathways. is when they learn the fastest. If you want a growing…