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Month: July 2023

Use of videos for the corporate brand

Corporate branding through video is currently one of the most popular and effective methods both online and offline. Video marketing has proven to be a successful and inexpensive tool for building brand awareness and image. The executed informative short videos…

How To Attract Venture Capital With Copywriting

Venture capital is the fuel and often the ignition spark for many young companies. Unfortunately, new entrepreneurs find it difficult to connect with venture capital firms and many companies never see bright opportunities ignite before they attract funding. Effective copywriting…

Life in Cambridge, MA

If you’ve heard of Harvard University, MIT, Harvard Square, Julia Childs, Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck, you’ve probably heard of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Cambridge is a geographically small place with big things happening. Here is some information about Cambridge: Cambridge was…

Pennsylvania Custody Explained

Legal custody When a father has legal custody of his children, it means that they are responsible for making decisions about the important things in their lives, such as the educational instruction they receive, their religious preferences, any important medical…