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6 Easy but Effective Steps to Increase Your Twitter Followers

Have you ever imagined why most of the companies and brands have an active Twitter account and strive to increase their Twitter followers?

Twitter is a very powerful business tool when used correctly. Twitter is more relevant now than ever considering the shift from brand-centric marketing to people-centric marketing.

And the good news is that Twitter not only helps you grow your following, generate leads, and build your brand, it ensures that every lead you generate is interested in your brand. This way you don’t target the wrong audience.

Regardless of this vast opportunity that Twitter offers, many of the Twitter users are still struggling to know how to best use Twitter and increase the number of followers.

If you are one of those people who wastes nights on increasing their Twitter followers without seeing appreciable results, read this article to the end.

And find out how to easily increase your Twitter followers without spending a dime on ads.

Focus on adding value

There’s nothing that turns off your followers like constantly pushing them to buy. It’s good to monetize your Twitter account, but this should be done with a sense of maturity. One of the main reasons they follow you is because they are interested in your tweets and expect to gain value from reading them.

And if that desire isn’t being gratified, what the hell do you think will keep them from following you?

In order to retain and keep growing your followers, you need to focus more on adding value to your followers and presenting them moderately.

Apply the 80/20 rule that 20% of your social media content should be about your brand (presenting your brand), while the remaining 80% should be dedicated to adding value to your audience.

One sweet thing about adding value is that it positions you as an expert in your niche and earns trust and loyalty.

Optimize your bio

Optimizing your Twitter bio increases your chances of attracting the right audience and makes all your social media efforts worthwhile.

Some people would like to know a few things about you before they click the follow button; And if your bio isn’t optimized, you’ll likely lose that person to a competitor.

These are the components that a good bio should have:

• A clean profile photo that could be your company logo or a photo of yourself that clearly shows your face.

• Your personality: give your followers an idea of ​​who you are, what you do, what company you work with and where you operate.

Make sure your bio is complete, professional, and does a great job of representing you and your company.

follow your followers

This is one of the tactics used by some of the influencers on Twitter. When you get a notification of someone following you, check their profile and follow them. In this way the person will have the feeling of being valued and will always visit your page.

But if you don’t follow through, the person will probably think you snubbed them even when you don’t mean to.

Always try as much as possible to correspond to the gesture of following your followers.

Tweet consistently and include visuals

Remember, you are not the only person in your niche and some of your followers might also be following other people in your niche, any little mistake can cause you to lose them to your competitors.

Constantly posting valuable content gives your audience the idea of ​​when to always expect your content. Your post can be in the form of quotes, motivational talks, infographics, or any other valuable content.

As you may already know, humans love images and this is one of the reasons why Instagram is getting stronger day after day. What this means is that you should always spice up your tweet with photos.

Make good use of hashtags

Hashtags give you the ability to reach a larger target audience if used correctly. And mind you, you have to be careful when using hashtags to avoid making your post look spammy. Of the 140 characters available to work with, use hashtags sparingly (2-3 hashtags is fine).

Always look for trending hashtags in your niche and include them in your tweet. Follow influencers in your niche and add their hashtags to your tweets.

Drive traffic to your Twitter page

This is another way to increase your Twitter followers. You can generate traffic from your Facebook account by adding your Twitter username in the “About” section.

Outside of Facebook, you can add that you can also drive traffic from your LinkedIn account, marketing email, and website.

On your website and email marketing, you can use social media buttons to accomplish this, while on your LinkedIn you can add your Twitter username to your bio.

Twitter is a powerful marketing tool worth taking advantage of. The higher your number of Twitter followers, the higher your Twitter conversion rate and vice versa.

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