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Earn money with YouTube videos but not with YouTube

YouTube videos to earn money without YouTube.

Did you know that you can make money online from YouTube videos and affiliate marketing, but not from YouTube itself? There are 2 secret sites that I have discovered; one will pay you for clicks on videos (no video optimization). While with the other I had more views in a single week with less than half as many videos as on YouTube in a month (also without any video optimization and/or algorithms).

It all started when I had some problems with the major social giants and got to the point where I got tired of all the bureaucracy! Working hard to create unique quality content, only to have my posts spammed and scammed by bitcoin and binary trading spammers! Yes, you know exactly which platform I am referring to.

Now, as well as giving you access to these amazing alternative video platforms. I’ll also give you access to refreshing alternatives to mainstream media. That is if you’re so tired of all the annoyances like ridiculous T&Cs, fact checkers, and the rest of the whiners! These sites you are about to access are exceptionally attractive audiences, most (more than 70%) are from first-tier countries (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

Get buyer traffic without all the hassle.

Getting traffic to affiliate links is one thing. But converting those visitors into sales and engagement is quite another. Let’s face it, everyone who starts with affiliate marketing immediately runs after the mainstream media and social giants. Just stop already! Stop wasting your time and effort only to get blocked, banned and suspended.

Spending days and even weeks researching and creating unique content, just to get a kick in the nuts! All that hard work down the drain, and then you have to wait for your blocked or banned period to expire. This, by the way, will leave a huge gap in your consistency, and that’s why you’re still struggling. Because when you want to drive traffic to affiliate links, consistency is of the utmost importance. You don’t need the social giants.

You don’t need the ridiculous Ts and Cs. I’m also pretty sure you’re just as tired as I am of “fact checker“! For God’s sake, you can’t even share a joke these days without him!”fact checker“Having a tantrum! But I must admit I’m glad I was brought to that point of frustration. So much so that I found refreshing alternatives and haven’t looked back since.”

Discussing Cool Sites and Alternatives.

I must be honest and say that these sites you are about to access do not have the number of visitors that the giants do. But ask yourself this. Would you rather have 1,000,000 visitors without a single commitment? Or would you prefer 10,000 active, engaging, buying visitors? That’s what I thought.

A single converting visitor is worth more than 100,000 visitors with zero engagement and/or sales. When you go all out to drive traffic, engagement, and sales are pretty refreshing, right? So let’s take a look at some of these refreshing alternatives to the mainstream behemoths.



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Rumble and BitChute are alternative video platforms like YouTube. Only Rumble will pay you much faster for video views. Because Rumble will optimize your video minutes after you upload it. Therefore, you can start earning from clicks right from the start. BitChute is a bit more challenging when it comes to video views and monetization. But that’s beside the point.

With BitChute, prepare to be swept away by a top-level traffic spike of 80%. In 3 days I got almost 3000 video views from 25 videos. But get this, I didn’t make a single video and got 4 affiliate offer sales on the video descriptions! That’s what I call buyer traffic! But how the hell did you do that, you may ask? Let me teach you.

Get high-quality videos without making a single video.

Getting high quality videos to use and earn money is simple and you will only need one tool to convert the videos. But soon you will have access to this free tool. Really simple to do, especially when you have the permission of the original video creator without asking. The steps are pretty simple, just start by going to your YouTube channel.

Next, you want to enter the keywords and/or search phrases you want to target into the search bar and search. A full list of videos will appear in YouTube search results. But you can’t use most of these videos due to copyright. At the top left of the YouTube search page, you will see “Filter”. Just click filter and then activate “creative commons“. Now you have a list of videos that you can use with permission.

Do a quick check before copying the video URL and converting it by expanding the video description section. Right at the end of the description you will see.

License – Creative Commons Attribution License (reuse allowed)

This means you can repurpose video, which is great especially for affiliate marketing. Because there are many videos about reviews and success stories with various affiliate products that you can use. Then simply promote the affiliate offer that the video is about.

Once you have decided on a video under creative commons, copy the URL of the video. But not the URL in the search window. You want to copy the URL of the video in the “Share” option. Then just add the video URL to the YouTube Downloader tool in the steps below. Before we move on to the next heading, let’s go through the basic steps one more time.

1. Search YouTube for a particular target keyword.

2. Enable Creative Commons.

3. Recheck the video license attributes.

4. Convert video to 720P with youtube downloader (Search in your browser).

5. Use Canva to create attention-grabbing video thumbnails.

6. Get on Rumble and BitChute.

Important note: With BitChute it’s fine to use hidden affiliate links in video descriptions, but I won’t recommend it with Rumble. Use Rumble to get views and get paid for it. Do not share affiliate links, disguised or otherwise. In fact, don’t share any links on Rumble.

Get even more traffic for your Rumble and BitChute videos.

You guessed it; we are talking about the two remaining alternative sites. MeWe and Gab. Wherever you want to share your videos that you have uploaded to Rumble and BitChute once done. But you also want to interact with the public and join groups. These two sites are like social media giants but without all the hassles and rules to work with.

Once you’ve created your Gab and MeWe accounts, be sure to complete your profiles as professionally as possible. Simply because a faceless and/or suspicious profile won’t get much attention, if any. But social media profiles are a whole topic on their own.

With anything you do online, always make your profiles as complete as possible because you are competing with people who do. A profile photo is a photo of your face, like a passport photo, and not of your favorite car or beloved pet. Audiences appreciate knowing who they are connecting with. In addition, it generates recognition and trust.


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