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How To Stop Ejaculating: Great Ways To Stop Your Ejaculation

If you want to know how to stop ejaculating, then you have come to the right place. I used to suffer from premature ejaculation, but I consider it my mission in life to educate other men on how to overcome it. Today, I want to show you 3 great ways to stop your ejaculation in its tracks.

pressure point

There is actually a pressure point in the body that can be activated and will allow you to stop ejaculation.

This could probably be useful for masturbation, but I really wouldn’t recommend it during sex because it might seem uncomfortable to your partner. That is, unless you involve her, maybe.

When you almost reach the point where ejaculation will be inevitable, press hard on the region between the scrotum and the anus. You probably won’t get it right the first time, but eventually you’ll find that you can prevent your ejaculation this way.

For the first time, you may want to press down slightly so that you can get the position right for the next time.

kegel exercises

These are much more advanced than the simple pressure point. You have a group of muscles in the snout area called the “PC muscle.” It is the muscle you use when you stop urinating.

If you work this muscle over a period of several weeks, you can exercise the muscle when you don’t want to ejaculate. More or less, this is a very similar method, except that you can also exercise the PC muscle during sex and can improve it.

other methods

The problem with the above methods is that they don’t really do anything to stop you from getting aroused too quickly.

In fact, there are many other ways that you can control your sexual response. One way is to use some very mild numbing sprays which can definitely buy you a few extra minutes in the bedroom.

An even better way is to undergo what I like to call “sex training.” It’s a way to refocus on the joys of sex instead of just obsessing over your penis, the stimulation, and how much time you have left. This training gets rid of your anxiety about premature ejaculation and the result is that you are able to “plateau” in the bedroom and choose when you want to ejaculate.


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