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Home Kitchen

4 different remedies to unclog your kitchen sink, shower or toilet drain

There are different remedies to unclog your sink, shower, or toilet drain. If you have some knowledge of these methods, you can save some extra money by not calling your local plumber. The methods are not as complicated as people…

Signs of a spell: how to tell if you have a poltergeist on the premises

Of all the paranormal phenomena, the poltergeist is probably the most mentioned and least understood by those outside the field of parapsychology. Many people have heard of poltergeists, watched movies and TV shows, or read books, but most of them…

Combining vintage style with urban chic creates a modern retro look

Mixing vintage styles with newer styles is very “cool” and a popular decorating style today. In some circles phrases like “Urban Chic” or “Fresh Vintage” are used instead of “retro”. It’s still “retro,” but a different take on the past…

The Naked Crime Writer

Here’s an intriguing scenario. A small independent production company approached me and told me that they had been commissioned to make a documentary for Channel 4 called ‘The Everyday Life of a Crime Writer’. They want to send a film…

A 4 Phase Plan for a Successful Designer Kitchen Remodeling Project

Have you heard of the nightmare stories people share about their designer kitchen remodel experiences? There are many things that can go wrong with such a project as it is complex and requires professional assistance. However, at the beginning of…

Is it a good idea to ignore your spouse during the separation to get him back?

I often hear from people who are trying to come up with the best strategies for dealing with their spouse during a marital separation. The goal is to make your spouse want to get back together and be willing to…

Decorate your kitchen with a retro 1940s theme

Today’s kitchen décor comes in all colors, sizes, and eras. A fun way to decorate your kitchen is with a little ’40s nostalgia. Painted cabinets, glass knobs and vintage bedding combined with new appliances that have a retro look can…

5 ideas to build a spectacular outdoor kitchen

An outdoor kitchen is the ultimate dream for many people who enjoy backyard entertaining. Imagine gathering your friends or family for a summer barbecue or a cozy winter cocktail in the comfort of your own garden. Here are some great…

Stainless Steel Kitchen Sinks – Durable Doesn’t Mean Ugly

When it comes to cooking, the wide variety of options available is incredible. The first thing to consider is the material from which a sink is constructed. This is important for several key reasons, such as its ability to withstand…

What Makes Oster Blenders So Special?

Worldwide, the kitchens of diverse households proudly display Oster Blenders as a symbol of convenience, quality and excellence. The brand that was launched almost a hundred years ago in 1924 has become popular with buyers around the world. Of the…