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Real Estate

Storage costs

Storage costs are collected by warehouse owners and are an unavoidable expense for businesses using the space. Homeowners should be familiar with the applicable charges. In the coming years, users will find it increasingly mandatory to implement nearline storage, to…

The Versatility of Today’s Carriage House Plans

Originally, the term “carriage house” needed little explanation: it was a shed to house horse-drawn carriages. Today, however, the term has taken on a different meaning. Since the once ubiquitous carriage has little use in modern society, many of the…

Secrets of a Millionaire Owner – Book Review

By: Robert Shemin, ESQ. (2002) ISBN 0-7931-4825-1 Book Price: $ 28.95 Outstanding real estate investor Robert Shemin is a nationally recognized landlord expert in the US and is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author who became a millionaire in his…

Real estate investment: books, TV infomercials and seminars

Real estate investing has become popular today due to television real estate investing infomercials and traveling seminar circuits. But real estate investing has not always been so popular. In the 1960s, William Nickerson wrote: “How I turned $ 1000 into…

The secret to increasing cash flow: investing in opportunity zones

A wise man will seize more opportunities than he finds. ~ Francis Bacon Introduction Don’t just look for homes that meet your criteria, look for the home that meets your criteria in places where people like to rent. There are…