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Puppy mills, fake rescues, animal thieves, and now flipping dogs! How low can The Sleaze go?

It has been almost a year since I had a very bad experience with the rescue of a local puppy mill. That experience led me to begin researching the various aspects of puppy mills and dog rescues. In this research,…

Real estate investment: books, TV infomercials and seminars

Real estate investing has become popular today due to television real estate investing infomercials and traveling seminar circuits. But real estate investing has not always been so popular. In the 1960s, William Nickerson wrote: “How I turned $ 1000 into…

Bane of the Dwarves (Eldritch & Eerie Poetry)

Throughout the Seventh Hell, a hypermorbid -Natural habitat, human remains live with a slow plant life, sharing each other’s parts in sub-animal thought and activity: with seagull and audacity in a heap of anomalous horticulture of vileness and iniquities. All…

Sexy Rock Music – Top Sexy Songs by Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails)

Trent Reznor, the mastermind behind the industrial rock group Nine Inch Nails, is no stranger to the realm of the best songs in the sexy rock music genre. And if you asked anyone who’s stuck their head into the rock…

Are travel incentives still working?

With more and more people keeping their precious dollars a little tighter these days, how can you convince them to drop some of it and buy your product or service and therefore keep you in business? Vacation incentives are one…

Tupac alive?

Still wondering if Tupac Shakur is still alive? If you are like so many other fans, you have come to the right place. In this article you will find some of the most shocking theories that have plagued 2pac’s death…

Snapchat trending features

Snapchat keeps updating every two weeks and bringing new features, making it one of the most popular apps when it comes to filters. The temporary or ephemeral nature of the application is planned to drive a more natural flow of…

Experiences with a Tyvek Bivy

We thought Tyvek would be great for making our own bivouac bags. It seems like the ideal material: light, resistant, waterproof and breathable. So we decided to do a basic bivouac for the two of us. We use two sheets…

VW Camper Models: A Guide for the Confused

Type 2 split screen 1950-1967 This was the first VW caravan adapted from the VW bus (known as the Samba), which in turn was an adaptation of the VW van. You will recognize the rounded VW caravan with the V-molding…

Tips to boost your business marketing strategy with LinkedIn

LinkedIn, a popular business social networking site, has emerged today as one of the potential platforms for developing and promoting business. LinkedIn, known as the most powerful site for entrepreneurs, currently has more than 90 million registered users. Professionals around…