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11 Mistakes New Business Coaches Make

Most Coaches start in business for reasons such as wanting to quit their full-time job and be their own boss, or want to gain the financial and personal freedom of being an entrepreneur, they also want to help people and make a difference in business. their lives. No matter what the reason, being a coach is a fantastic profession to start. However, what many Coaches don’t realize until they are in the beginning stages of their Coaching career is that starting a Coaching business is not always as easy as it seems. Many trainers struggle to make it work and to make that leap into a successful training business. In this report, I’ll share with you 11 mistakes new coaches make that keep them from reaching their ultimate goal of running a successful business.

Mistake #1: Spending too much time getting ready!

Many trainers spend too much time getting ready to start. They work on their website, their marketing materials, finish their Coaching training, and are too focused on “putting their ducks in a row” instead of going out and starting training. Many also feel like they’re not ready to be a Trainer because they think they’re not good enough yet, but to be honest you won’t learn until you go out and train. You’ll only learn how to do better once you notice the mistakes you make while making them or realize you could make some changes in certain areas, but the key to becoming a good trainer is to practice! Think about the time you started a new job, you didn’t prepare for weeks or months to start that job, no, you learned and got better doing it. It’s quite a learning curve.

Mistake #2: Not having a Coach who can guide them through the process

Every coach should have their own coach who can guide you forward and help you overcome the things that are holding you back. Especially if you are a new Trainer, it is extremely important to work with a Trainer to help you move forward. Of course, you can try to figure things out on your own and spend a lot of time and money on things that don’t work. Where, if you work with a coach who’s been there and done it, and you learn from him, you can get to where you want to be much quicker.

If you’re worried that you can’t afford a Trainer, especially when you’re just starting out, then consider this… How can you expect others to pay for your Trainer services if you don’t even pay for a Trainer? Also, think about the amount of money and time you waste on things that don’t work or trying to figure things out on your own. Some Trainers even work with you on fees and some even arrange some type of barter service.

Mistake #3: Not cooperating; they’d rather remain an army of one!

As a trainer, it is important to collaborate with others in the same industry or they may even be in a completely different industry. Many trainers think they are in business alone, but the truth is that only when you collaborate with like-minded people will you get to where you want to be… build an army of many instead of staying an army of one! Collaboration is the key to success because you can build business relationships, do business together like webinars, seminars, workshops, even co-author a book, create products and help each other grow. When you collaborate with other Trainers or industry experts, they can promote you to their network and you can promote them to your network, that’s a win-win situation.

In today’s age, you can even collaborate with people from all over the world and build your business nationally and even globally.

Mistake #4: Doing too much training and not applying what they learn – Apply while you learn

Have you ever thought that you have to complete this course before you can start, or that you still need to take this course and that course, and maybe even this other course too? Too many coaches get stuck in the “learning phase” where they take all kinds of different online courses trying to improve their skills or trying to learn more things that they can offer their clients, but instead of applying what they learn, while they learn it, they continue taking courses without applying what they have learned. The best way to learn something is by doing and applying the things you have learned.

Mistake #5: Giving away your services for free or not charging enough

Beginning trainers often feel that they can’t charge much or anything for their services because they are just starting out and don’t have a lot of experience yet. Now let me ask you this, do you think that doctors who have just finished medical school offer their services for free? No! They charge for their services because they went to school for many years to learn to be a doctor and they are providing a service. The same applies to Trainers, they have trained, they have learned to be a Trainer and they also provide a service. You also don’t need to tell clients that you are a beginner or that you haven’t had that many hours of Coaching, if they don’t know, don’t announce it. You are an expert and you must position yourself and present yourself as an expert because you will most likely know more about Coaching than your clients.

Now as to how much to charge, even when you’re just starting out, you can charge upwards of $50 or $75, you need to be based on your demographics and your target market.

Mistake #6: Not choosing a specific niche

Many coaches don’t choose a specific niche, they want to help everyone, the only problem with being too broad is that it makes it harder to find clients. Any marketing strategy would be like throwing mud against the wall, some sticks but most of it falls off. It’s the same with marketing to everyone; it would not be very effective. Instead, pick a specific niche and become an expert in that niche, for example, a life coach who specializes in setting goals or finding your dream and passion; another example would be a Relationship Coach who focuses on helping divorcees find their way after divorce. By choosing a niche, you can gear your marketing towards your target market, in this case, that would be people going through a divorce or people wanting to find their true passion. Choosing a niche will make your marketing efforts much more effective.

Mistake #7: Not treating your business like a business

When starting your Coaching business, you should treat your business like a business where you focus on growing your business and generating income. If you don’t get any income, if you don’t have anyone to train, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby. Being in business means you have to commit to it and do the things you know you have to do on a daily basis. Being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle, you live it every day. Sometimes that also means not hanging out with friends instead of working on your business. Only when you treat your business like a business can you make it a successful business. This is especially true if you still have a full-time job; you have to invest the necessary time in growing your business, in marketing and networking.

Mistake #8: Thinking that customers will come to them

Just because you open your doors and start offering your Coaching services doesn’t mean clients will be flying out the door! Unfortunately it is not that easy. You have to go out and find your customers, you have to raise awareness and let people know that you are in business. As a coach you need to focus on the things that get the word out, you can do webinars, go to trade shows and expos, do seminars and workshops, anything that gets you into the target market. Too many trainers sit at home or in their office waiting for clients to knock on their door, which only causes them to lose clients and eventually become frustrated because they are having a hard time getting clients. The key is to get out there and network, network, and network some more.

Mistake #9: Trying to do everything

Being in business means you have to do everything related to running a business, from doing your bookkeeping, marketing, creating products, making calls, scheduling appointments, sending emails, to conducting your Coaching sessions. All of these things are important and a necessary part of running your business. However, sometimes you can feel overwhelmed and that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done. One thing you can do is hire a virtual assistant or outsource some of the things that take up most of your time. For example, your accounting or building your website, things like that you can outsource. Even if you’re just starting out and don’t have the cash flow yet, try delegating as many things to free up your time to focus on getting customers or building products. Delegating is a very important part of being in business, you just can’t do everything yourself or you will eventually burn out. And how can you help others when you’re so exhausted you don’t even want to get on the phone or talk to your customers?

Mistake #10: Don’t Focus On Building Your List – Getting Leads

One of the first things you should focus on is building your list. You need to have people you can contact about your services and building your contact list and getting leads is the key. There are different ways to build your list; You can make a subscription form where you give away a free report, for example, in exchange for someone’s contact information. You can also collect business cards at trade shows or networking events, connect each contact to your database, and start marketing to them. Start working on building your list early on and make it a priority. You should have a large pool of potential customers that you can market to and reach out to. So start building your list!

Mistake #11: Being a perfectionist

Being a perfectionist is a big challenge many Coaches face because they try to make their website, blog, coaching packages or products perfect before going live. The problem is that you will never make it perfect, you will always find something you don’t like and you will spend days, even months trying to make it perfect. Instead, focus on completion rather than perfection. Once you launch a course, a product, or launch your website, you can always make changes on the fly.


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