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5 Awesome Car Camping Tips That Will Help Maximize The Experience

If you’ve suddenly decided you want to spend the weekend outdoors but don’t have a solid plan, go camping in your car: With the space and comfort of your car, just pack a few essentials, fuel up, and hit the road. towards your weekend. outdoor adventure!

Just don’t forget a few important things that will make your trip even easier and smoother!

Follow these 5 awesome tips for car camping:

get a fire permit

It won’t feel like camping if you don’t relax around a campfire. Make sure your chosen campground allows fires, and if so, obtain a fire permit beforehand. Build a campfire at night under the stars and you’ll be thankful you got a permit!

be fancy

One of the best things about car camping is that you don’t have to worry about packing too light because with your car, you won’t have to think about space or weight limitations. So feel free to bring things that make you feel comfortable: a thick air mattress, your home pillow, your favorite blanket, a guitar, etc.!

Keep your things in the car

If you plan to sleep in a tent, just take out everything you’ll need for sleeping and keep everything else inside your car to keep things more organized. Take out your tent, mattress/sleeping bag, pillows, and blankets. This way, you won’t have to unpack everything and repack it when you’re ready to go, saving you time.

Build your outdoor kitchen

Find a flat, sheltered spot at least 150 feet from your tent to set up your outdoor kitchen. Set up your stove and take out all the things you’ll need to cook your food (preferably all stored in a box). Prepare an easy gourmet dinner and have some wine for a more enjoyable meal.

Be sure to store leftovers and other food in your car to keep critters out.

Turn off the lights inside your car

You will be opening the doors frequently and to avoid wasting your car battery, switch your car interior lights to “permanent off”. Don’t forget to pack some jumper cables just in case!

Car camping is a great way to experience the great outdoors without too much worry. So invite your loved one or a couple of friends over for a great weekend outdoors!

Just follow these awesome car camping tips and you’re sure to have a great time!


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