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5 basketball exercises that will improve your game in a week

There are different basketball workouts that you can use when pursuing a professional basketball career. Training every day with various basketball workouts will put you ahead of 95 percent of the competition. There are tons of exercises to do every day and you can experiment with different exercises to see which one gives you the fastest results. That’s what I did and I’m going to share with you today 5 basketball drills that will prepare you for a professional basketball career.

One-arm shot warm-up

When you’re training, you’re usually shooting shots without any objective on how much to do or where to shoot from. This is not good because you will develop bad habits in your basketball practices that will translate into the game. When I was at a conference at a basketball camp at the University of Connecticut, the speaker was the shooting doctor who worked with many professionals like Michael Jordan and Gilbert Arenas. He said that before starting his basketball training, he must stand three feet from the basket and shoot jump shots with one arm. When you do this, you should only count the “fully net” shots you make. If it touches the edge it doesn’t count. The shooting doctor was very good at this and he had trained all of his players to warm up this way. I decided that if NBA players warm up using the one-arm warm-up shot, then I should add it to my basketball training. The rest of the day I practiced one-arm shots and the next time I played, I sure as hell couldn’t miss enough. I put on an amazing performance and everyone in camp said that I should try to play for the team. This exercise had helped me so much that I decided to use it for the rest of my career. Every day I warm up with 25 three-point marks, one from the middle of the paint and one from left block and right block. This is great basketball training and anyone trying to become a professional basketball player should do it.

“250 to 500” a day ago

After the one-arm shooting warmups you want to start, you’re doing shooting drills. I usually start taking shots from different points on the court. My goal is to take 250 to 500 shots using different moves outside of the dribble. I start from one side of the wing and shoot from each point until I get to the other wing. After shooting mid-range shots, I’ll move to the three-point line and repeat the process. Now you can switch up your basketball training and take dribble shots, or go to the basket to float. Either way, you’re working on repetition, which is the most important thing when it comes to developing skill in basketball practice.

basic exercises

Now when I’m in the weight room, I train only things that will help me get stronger in the game. One of the things I would do in my basketball training is different exercises that work your core. I was training 3-4 times a week, doing at least 200-300 crunches a day. I thought if NBA players focus on it that much, and are extremely athletic, then I should do it. Once I incorporated it into my training regimen, after a week of this, I added an inch or two to my vertical. I didn’t start doing this until I turned pro because I learned it late in my career. None of my coaches emphasized how important it is for your game to have a strong core. Now I tell all my players that they must do sit-ups every day in their basketball practice if they want to reach their maximum capacity on the court.

ball handling

Now, before or after shooting, you should include ball handling drills in your basketball workouts just as much as you do. Even if he is a big man, he has to work on his ball handling. I saw Blake Griffin and other NBA big men training their handles at a basketball workout in a YouTube video, so if they’re doing it, what should you be doing? Good. So what you would do is pick some two ball dribbling drills to do, and every day dribble the ball you are harder and faster, always keep your head up and be persistent because the drill will be a bit difficult at first. . Do this all week and watch your shaft feel a lot tighter. The feeling is incredible. In my free report I explain this in more detail.

squat jumps

Now, when you’re in the gym or weight room, you need to do some kind of squat exercise that you’re exploding from. You want to jump and explode as high as you can, concentrating on improving each jump in your basketball training. Do this and watch your vertical jump improve in just one week. I do all of these Basketball Training drills and I feel like they are some of the most important drills to do. I guarantee results! because it worked for me. So focus on jumping jacks 3-4 times a week.

Now combine all the drills and start on Monday, and by Friday see how your game feels! It’s a great feeling when you develop a new skill. I’ve had those feelings all my life, and that’s why I can say I had a great career, and now I can teach you the same basketball workouts. Best of all, I still play.


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