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5 key points to follow to become the best you

The greatest achievement in life is simple: just be the best “you” possible. Easy, right? Obviously not, otherwise we would all be performing at our full potential at all times without letting our guard down. It doesn’t happen, right? But honestly, this is the greatest honor we can give ourselves, our creator, and those we love and respect: simply living the best life possible by being the best version of ourselves.

However, why is it so difficult for most to live this in reality? It is because we have not made it part of our lives. We have not made it a central goal and mission of our lives and we have not made a plan to achieve it. Success in anything has a method and a process. It’s not something that happens all of a sudden like a big bang and ‘BAM!’ we become the best version of ourselves. It would be nice if this were the case, but the journey is what creates us and strengthens the fiber of who we are. It is designed and executed day after day.

So how do you go about becoming ‘the best version of YOU’?

Create a vision of who you really are better

The core of any goal setting program isn’t about what you get, it’s about who you become. So, it’s time to create a vision of what it really looks and feels like.

• What does the best really mean?
• What are the standards you will uphold in your life?
• What results can this person create that you will become?
• How will you behave on a daily basis?
• What are the most important values ​​for you and with which you commit to live?

Key points to mention here:

First, being the best ‘you’ doesn’t mean you have to be the best at everything; trying to do that will only create stress, overwhelm, and reduce performance in all areas. You must decide what are the main things you are going to master and who you will be known for. So go to work.

Second, don’t try to be everything to everyone. Remember that it is about the best of you, not what others want you to be. Success and being your best effortlessly will only come from living authentically with yourself.

Go ahead, build in your mind and on paper who really is the best version of you. It all starts from here and to equip you with this quest to become your best, I have listed here 5 key points that you absolutely must follow:

1. Start being kind to yourself.

We are our own most brutal critic. It can be easy for us to find all the ways something won’t work, why they can’t change, why they’re not good enough in the first place. We can easily give up at the first sign of resistance or before they have even started.

The truth is that there is no one else like you in the world. You are unique, you are talented and you are a genius.

Every time you catch yourself in a negative space, look at it and catch it. Immediately change the belief to something positive and empowering.
This is where the power of affirmations comes in. It is a single phrase that you create to affirm and empower yourself to be your best in various areas of your life.

Here are some examples:

“I am unique and special and I have been endowed with talents that I will begin to use from now on.”

“I recognize my self-esteem; I am confident in who I am and who I am becoming. I know that I can handle any obstacle that gets in my way”

“I am the architect of my own life and I have the power to design and create any result I commit to.”

Use them or create some more of your own and try saying them to yourself literally every day. I recorded my affirmations myself and stored them on my iPod. Over and over again I listened to myself, telling myself exactly what I needed to hear. Affirmations program a new identity in your mind through the power of suggestion.

2. Act as if

Sometimes the changes we need to make in our life are massive changes to our identity and we try to fight it tooth and nail. Our identity is everything to us and we will do anything to try to be consistent with who we think we are. That is why change can often be so difficult because we are challenging our own internal belief systems from which we derive our sense of self worth and certainty.

The good news is that we can trick ourselves into changing through the concept of ‘acting as if’. When you consciously change your behaviors and thought patterns and focus on acting like someone else or an improved version of yourself, your mind will begin to believe that this is normal for you. This may feel out of place for you right now, but if you embody this trait or belief system or thought process or habit, it will have a massive impact on your life as a whole. Make sure you are selective about what you act out, as it could become a permanent part of you.

3. Living by a code of conduct

I mentioned earlier that success is rarely a giant thing that happens. They are the little things that are repeated day after day, created from our habits. Now, these can be considered as daily habits of the things you do; but that is not the point of this article. It’s not about doing things, it’s about being. Therefore, establish a code of conduct for yourself, a set of patterns and standards of behavior that you commit to live by every day. This could be things like:

The energy that you choose to bring home where you don’t let the stress of your job come home and that you commit to giving your best energy here; gold

It can be when you are with your partner or children to be 100% totally present; Gold

May you always dress, walk and shake hands like the best person you want to be; Gold

It could be living by your values ​​of integrity, honesty, honor, or whatever it is for you at all times. Get the image? Codes of conduct are your rituals around the person you will be on a daily basis.

4. Take care of your life vehicle

I absolutely could not write an article on being your best self without reference to the necessity and enormous benefit of taking care of your vehicle in life called your body. That is what it is, your life vehicle. Still, many people receive a high performance machine but neglect it, feed it junk, take care of it, and end up driving a rickety old pump.

To be the best version of yourself, you need a vehicle that can take you far and fast. Energy is life, so do the things you know you should, eat right (learn what good food is first. Hint: it’s not what the government tells you according to the food pyramid), exercise regularly, and take care of your health. your mind through meditation. Give it a try. Once you’re there and really experience how amazing you feel, how much more you can do and be as a person, you’ll be addicted. I promise.

5. Embark on a strategic growth journey

Being your best self is an integral part of personal development, and it always starts with becoming more aware of who you are and what patterns have been following you to date. Here is the truth; You can’t expect to become the best version of yourself while continuing with the same old patterns of thought and behavior that have gotten you to where you are now. Everything has to change and if you are truly committed to becoming the absolute best you are, then this change has to be deliberate. In fact, it cannot be just change, it must be transformation.

“Be ready at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you are going to be”

ask yourself:

• How do you need to grow as a person?
• What skills do you need to learn?
• What belief systems are serving you?
• What will not help you to reach your next level?

Then ask

• Where can I get this information? Is it through a role model or through a mentor?
• What kind of person do I need to hang out with?
• What should I do and when? (Now program it in)
• How am I going to make this happen?

Ultimately, what we want is for being the best we can be to become an effortless part of our everyday lives where we don’t have to ‘try’ because we just are. This is when we have now created a new identity and we are living this identity and it is the identity of our best selves, until we raise our standards again and go to the next level.

“Growth is not a destination, it is a journey”


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