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5 reasons cheap truck mats are worth checking out

Without some form of protection, most truck beds sustain serious damage fairly early in life. Normal use scratches the paint and often causes dents as well. With the addition of simple truck bed mats, much of the costly repair damage could be avoided. Here are 5 reasons to consider floor mats for a truck.

1. No puddles of water for early rust.

If the water can’t get out of the front bed drains, it will start to slide downhill into rust and corrosion. Water hidden under some siding just sits there and causes problems. But with a mat in place, standing water is easy to see and stop. Simply fold the mat away from the drains and stop the problem in seconds.

2. Mats do not move.

Someone commented when seeing my rubber mat that I hadn’t glued it. Leaving the glue really makes the system better in every way. Actually, these rugs aren’t going to fly anyway. It’s because of the heavy weight and also because the mat lays flat and provides little for the wind to grab. Rubber mats stay in place and won’t blow away in the wind.

3. Installation means simply deploying it.

The rubber mats unfold and that’s all it takes to install one. Simply snap it into place at the back of the bed and remove any ties or tape and simply push it in gently. Work around fender wells and any other obstacles and you’re good to go. The only really hard part is just getting him up on the bed. So much rubber, if the mat is rubber, it’s quite heavy.

4. Put that drill away.

Drilling holes in a truck bed causes mental anguish to the owner of this truck. Every hole created becomes a start for corrosion. Simply spreading out the bed mats looks so inviting. There are no holes or bare metal that can damage the bed.

5. No hidden damage from moving and shaking.

Being able to see the bed almost instantly for observation means there is little chance of damage under the rug. Loose plastic bed liners can vibrate and rub off paint. Since shiny metal is hidden under a hard-to-remove bed liner, the truck bed can slowly begin to rust and pit. That won’t happen under a bed rug as the rug can’t damage the bed and the paint under the rug can be seen very easily.

Truck bed mats easily protect bed paint and more. Mats are also perfect protection for more expensive liners. Using mats over spray liners allows you to actually use a truck and still keep the spray liner looking new.


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