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6 essential facts about the trampoline

There are many misconceptions about the trampoline, and even when people don’t have misconceptions, they often don’t know much about this amazing piece of equipment. Here are six essential, interesting, or fun facts about our favorite way to bounce:

1. Humans have always liked to bounce!
We know this from the Inuit, who have a very special annual festival where the centerpiece is a trampoline. They’ve been creating diving boards out of seal skins for as long as anyone can remember, and with a culture that’s over 4000 years old, that’s a long time! Their festival is called Nulakataq, which means “throw”. Festival participants bounce on the trampoline and throw sweets and other goodies at the rest of the guests.

2. Having a trampoline will not ruin your garden.
Unlike those kiddie pools that block the sunlight, leaving you with a yellow circle of grass, diving boards are designed to let the sunlight through. You don’t have to worry about spoiling your greenery if you decide to buy a trampoline. On the other hand, since the grass will still be perfectly healthy, you’ll still need to cut it! Fortunately, trampolines are fairly easy to get out of the way.

3. Trampolines are not inherently dangerous.
The truth of the matter is that playing and moving are dangerous in and of themselves. Trampolines are not inherently dangerous. However, like any exciting sport, they require us to take safety precautions. Make sure your trampoline is well maintained. Only buy from a reputable seller (or visit a reputable trampoline gym or trampoline park) that has springs covered with proper safety equipment, nets, or padded safety boards to prevent falls. Do not use a trampoline that is torn or otherwise damaged.

4. The trampoline is great exercise!
Trampoline jumping is a great way to get a great cardio workout, strengthen your legs, strengthen your bones and joints, and strengthen your core. Really, what more could you ask for? What about the benefits of doing strenuous exercise, without feeling like you did it? Yes, studies show that trampolines have such a positive effect on mood that you can work out just as hard as you would any other activity, but feel like you haven’t worked as hard.

5. Trampolines aren’t just toys.
Sure, you get a great workout, but in the end, you can do the same thing with a basketball; they are still essentially toys, right? Well, someone should mention that to both the space program and the military. Trampolines are considered essential for several different types of training programs. They can help students gain better spatial awareness, balance and coordination in very safe circumstances, skills they will need in decidedly less safe circumstances in the future. Does it look like a toy?

6. You’re not too old for a trampoline.
Okay, trampolines have been around for a while, and they’re great exercise, and astronauts use them to train. “But,” you think to yourself, “I’m not an astronaut. Surely people will think it’s silly that I’m jumping.” Absolutely not! You don’t have to be a kid or a pilot to enjoy all the benefits that the trampoline has to offer.

Everyone from suburban moms to their favorite celebrities is jumping on the trampoline bandwagon…and a quick internet search for a “trampoline park near me” will probably prove it. You’ll find that many local trampoline parks and gyms have many great options for adults, including adult-only fitness classes. Who knows, you might even run into a famous face… if Madonna, Julianne Hough and Victoria Beckham are fans of jumping to get healthy, why shouldn’t you be?


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