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8 strategies to make your New Year’s resolutions come true

Over two thousand years ago, the ancient Romans began the practice of making New Year’s resolutions when they named the first month after Janus, the god of beginnings. Janus had two faces, one looking back at the previous year and the other looking back at the new one. To ensure future good fortune, January became the time when you apologize for past actions and look inward for areas to improve.

Now that you’ve made your own personal resolutions, which remain an honored ritual this time of year, how do you avoid another universal tradition: breaking them? We all know that it’s easier to say you’re going to kick a bad habit than to stick to your new plan. As parents have told their children for centuries: “Do what I say, not what I do.”

You may have finally resolved to lose the ten pounds that have been plaguing you for years, to start an exercise program you can stick with, to let go of your self-destructive habit of smoking, drinking, or binge-spending. Or maybe you’re one of the 50% of Americans vowing to spend more time with family and friends this year. So where do you start? And how do you increase the odds that you will continue? With the New Year in, you have a clean slate, ready to take your dictation. Here are 8 tips to help you stick to your resolutions.

1. Decide on a realistic goal. Make it a specific one that you can reach. If you want to be more physically fit, commit to walking 30 minutes three times a week. If weight loss is your goal, resolve to lose two pounds a month so you’ll be 10 pounds lighter by summer.

2. Make a public commitment. Tell others about your decision. They will support you and encourage you to stick with his plan. Commit to taking yourself seriously as you change your behavior and lifestyle.

3. Get started, even if it’s not an ideal start. Often the hardest step to take is the first. Instead of waiting until the moment or situation is perfect, jump into your new routine. As Confucius observed centuries ago, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

4. Keep taking small steps. They will eventually get you where you want to go if you keep moving forward. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to take steps that are too difficult. Continue to set short-term goals for yourself as you work toward your long-term goal. You may need to refine your strategies along the way as you discover what works best for you.

5. Keep track of what you are doing. Keep a journal focused on how you are implementing your behavior change. Record the pattern of your scheduled walks. Develop a detailed budget and take a look at how you are spending the cash. Write down what you eat every day to give you an idea and motivation.

6. Friend with a partner. Having someone else share your ride makes the process more enjoyable. Join a support group where you can talk about your frustrations, especially if you are working on abusive or self-destructive behavior. Talk to friends and family about your progress or lack thereof. Consult a professional or search the Internet for information and resources.

7. Give yourself credit for what you are accomplishing. You deserve rewards along the way: for making the decision to change, for taking the first step, for achieving each goal. Acknowledge the difficulty of your mission and congratulate yourself when you reach your goal.

8. Accept that you are not perfect and that you will fail sometimes. Your path may not be a straight line, but one with many ups and downs. Make a Plan B to use when you can’t proceed as originally intended. Do not let yourself be defeated by your slips. They are not a reason to give up on yourself or your goal. Instead, get back on the road and think about what you’ve learned from your mistakes.

Now that you’ve decided you’re ready to make a change, it’s crucial to plan how to achieve your New Year’s resolutions. Recognize your role in the process and focus on the strategies that work for you. As you use these tips to turn your goals into reality, enjoy the satisfaction that comes from your success in 2009.

(c) 2009, Your Mentoring Center


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