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Top 5 things to consider when doing localized SEO

First, let’s quickly define what localized search engine optimization (local SEO) is. Local SEO is basically the process of optimizing your website to perform better in search engines by allowing it to be found by keywords that relate to the area you are in.

To illustrate, if we’re looking to be found locally when users search for SEO services in your area, and you’re based in Wales, one of those search terms you can optimize for may be “SEO Wales”. Naturally, this will vary depending on where you are and what users are actually looking for.

So let’s take a look at the 5 most important things to remember when optimizing for local search terms:

1) Keyword Research

It all starts with keyword research. This not only involves knowing your niche, but also knowing the keywords that people use to search for products or services specific to your niche. A great way to establish whether there is relevant traffic for a particular keyword before optimizing your site is to use the Google AdWords keyword tool. A quick Google search will allow you to find the tool.

Let’s say you’re a Cardiff-based company that sells second-hand cars in Wales. The first thing to do once you’ve opened the Google Keyword Tool is to adjust your search settings to show only results relevant to the UK.

Next, enter an initial keyword related to your product or service, as well as inserting the name of the area you are targeting, eg ‘used cars in Wales’. You will now be able to see how many searches are being done for that keyword phrase, as well as giving you an indication of how competitive the advertiser is for that particular keyword or phrase.

But don’t assume that because you sell second-hand cars in Wales, people looking to buy in that region will simply type “used cars in Wales” into Google. As a closer look might reveal that the actual search term people are using is actually ‘used cars in Wales’.

So, if you hadn’t done proper keyword research and just made an assumption, as many webmasters do, you could be wasting precious time optimizing for the wrong keywords.

Tip: If the keyword tool shows that the search terms you’re looking to optimize for have a high level of competition from advertisers, don’t be discouraged. This usually indicates that they are also highly commercial terms, meaning people are more likely to buy.

2) On-site optimization

Once you’ve created your list of the most relevant keywords, it’s time to start optimizing your site. Make sure your main keywords appear in your title tags and H1 tags.

As in the example above, you would now use the keyword phrase “used cars in Wales” in the title tag of your home page. Ideally, it should be left-aligned, followed by the pipe character, and then insert your domain name or company name at the end. But be sure to optimize each page for a different but related keyword so your site has a natural feel.

Also make sure your keywords appear in all of your content, but don’t go overboard on this. You don’t want to appear spammy. Instead, try to write naturally and let your keywords fit where they seem relevant.

For example, you can write sentences that include your key phrase or variations of it, such as “If you’re looking to buy a second hand car then you’ve come to the right place. At Joes Auto Store we specialize in second hand cars in Wales.”

Also make sure your business address is displayed on the contact page, as it will also be indexed and can reassure search engines exactly where you are.

Also, if it’s a brand new site, you may want to purchase a domain name (which ideally contains your location), as well as host your site on UK based servers, as this will also give you It will allow you to rank better locally. especially if all your customers are searching from the UK.

3) Create unique content

Create new, unique and regular content that draws visitors to your site. Make sure you add value and people will naturally come back. They may even point a link or two to your site in the process and always try to get some backlinks from websites and businesses that are also in your area.

These links will not only stop visitors from linking to your site, but will also help improve your search engine rankings.

A good way to do this is to include a resource page that includes valuable information such as ‘Top 10 Driving Routes in Wales’. You might even want to make things more interactive by including a Google map so people can plan their driving routes for the holiday seasons.

4) Create high-quality backlinks

As mentioned above, one of the best ways to build backlinks is to create unique content on your site. If what you’ve written is newsworthy, you might want to use a social bookmarking site like DIGG to let the world know.

An important point to remember when building backlinks is to focus on quality over quantity. So make sure the links pointing to your site are from a reputable and related site. A simple rule of thumb is this, if a site complements your site but is not a direct competitor, then you should ask them for a link.

For example, for second hand cars, you can try to get a link from the Welsh Tourist Office or the Welsh Area Drivers Association.

Plus, you’ll definitely want your site to appear on Google Places (formerly Google Local). This will require a little confirmation process, but it’s worth the effort.

Also, don’t be afraid to point any outbound links, just make sure you point to reputable sites, as the search engines won’t like it if you’re in bad company, so to speak. Plus, your readers will love it if you help improve their experience. For example, you could point out a link to the major auto breakdown associations in the area, so they can bookmark your website for future reference.

5) Item merchandising

Another great way to build backlinks, aside from just asking webmasters to direct links to your site, is to write great one-off articles and post them to article directories like this one. If readers like what they see, they can curate your articles and place them on their own sites, crediting you with backlinks in the process.

One tip would be to include the search phrase you want to be found for in your author bio box, as this will give search engines a better idea of ​​what your site is about.

In the example above, it could read as “Joes Auto Store has been helping local car lovers in Wales and England find second-hand cars in Wales for over a decade” and then have the keywords become the hyperlink to your site.

Lastly, you should also try to get articles placed in local article directories such as the Wales Business Directory.

So there you have a great 5-step formula to help your website perform better in local search results using natural methods.

Follow the steps above and you can be sure that you will keep both your readers and the search engines happy.


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