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Advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is the fairy godmother of all. You can transform discolored teeth back to their original color, replace a missing tooth with a synthetic one without you realizing it’s fake, or save one of your teeth from danger with the use of tooth-colored veneers or fillings. There are a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures that we can meet any of your dental needs and desires. Here are some of these listed below.

Teeth whitening

You can have laser teeth whitening or home teeth whitening. Whichever option you choose, you are guaranteed to have that bright white smile after the process.

dental implants

This is the restorative solution for missing teeth. Artificial roots are constructed and then embedded in a person’s jaws, after which it is finished off with a prosthetic tooth.

Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

This is the restorative technique for cracked or damaged teeth.

Porcelain veneers

This is an alternative to porcelain inlays that is perfect for hiding cracks and chips in your teeth.

tooth bonding

It can mimic the shape and color of other teeth in place of a missing one.


This is the perfect cosmetic dental solution for overlapping, irregularly spaced or gapped teeth. This is the alternative method if you do not want to wear braces. Some avoid cosmetic dentistry because they fear the cost of it. Little do they know that there are various cheap cosmetic treatments and financing plans that are available through their dentists if they just sit down with their dentists. If you have any questions about this, it is best to discuss your oral health concerns with them.


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