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Alopecia areata may require a change in diet

Many people may not realize that alopecia areata can greatly benefit from specific dietary changes. Because the most obvious symptom of alopecia areata is hair loss in the form of bald patches, there is a tendency to focus all treatment around hair that grows back within the patches.

Stimulating new hair growth with natural remedies like essential oils is just one component in treating and curing alopecia areata. It is important to remember that underneath the bald patches is a deeper problem that caused the bald patches in the first place. This problem is a faulty immune system. Keeping your immune system calm and balanced so you don’t go crazy can help inhibit the severity and progression of the disease. This can be achieved more through a change in diet than in any other way.

The main components of the diet would involve reducing inflammation, identifying and avoiding allergens, identifying and correcting deficiencies, nourishing the body with a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods, and establishing a healthy intestinal flora.


Inflammation is linked to all autoimmune disorders and most hair loss conditions. The anti-inflammatory diet can help calm and support an overactive immune system, reducing the potential for breakouts that could lead to an attack on the hair follicles.


Food allergies or sensitivities are an important component in autoimmune disorders. It is important to learn to recognize and avoid all possible allergens that can trigger an autoimmune response. There are several test methods available to help determine individual food allergies and sensitivities.


Recent scientific research reveals a strong association between gluten intolerance or sensitivity and alopecia areata. Testing positive for celiac disease (gluten intolerance) would require removing all gluten. Some parents of children with alopecia areata have noticed that children’s hair grows back and also increases the child’s height once the gluten is removed. The accelerated growth is due to the greater ability to absorb nutrients once the gluten is removed.

Gluten intolerance creates nutritional deficiencies if gluten is continued. Eliminating or reducing gluten will naturally decrease inflammation in the diet as long as it is not substituted by other inflammatory gluten-free snacks that are unhealthy. Many people choose to try gluten-free to see how they respond, rather than go through diagnostic tests. Other common allergens associated with autoimmune diseases are dairy, casein, nightshade, eggs, vegetables, and other individual foods.


Some experts have found that avoiding or reducing meat is necessary or helpful. Those affected by autoimmune diseases show higher than normal sensitivity to antigens in foods of animal origin. This may be because the amino acid sequence in animal meats is similar to those found in human tissues. The close resemblance can cause confusion and provoke a seizure. Those who wish to consume meat may consider purchasing only clean, organic, grass-fed meats and may also wish to limit consumption.


Eating a wide variety of natural, whole grain, nutrient-dense foods, including lots of fruits and vegetables, will ensure fullness, satisfaction, and proper nutrition with the fewest calories. This will allow the digestive system to relax, repair and regenerate. Poor digestion is highly associated with autoimmune disorders.

Many people tend to eat the same foods over and over again. Eating a wide variety of high-quality foods will help ensure that a person does not eat too many foods to which they may have a hidden or unknown allergy.


It is not uncommon for people with alopecia areata to have nutritional deficiencies such as zinc, vitamin D, iron, etc. which can contribute to hair loss. Supplementation should only be used when there is a definite deficiency. Random supplementation can create imbalances that can disrupt the immune system and the hair growth cycle.


Cleansing the body of excess yeast, bacteria, toxins, etc. It will decrease inflammation and allow the body to function better. Having adequate amounts of good gut flora will help the immune system to stay healthy and balanced. Avoiding processed foods, toxins, additives, pesticides, etc. It is especially important for people with alopecia areata, as any foreign substance can trigger an autoimmune response.


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