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American History Homeschool Projects and Activities

American History Homeschool

Using fun history projects and activities to study a time period can help students understand it at a deeper level. These projects also help students develop a love for learning about the past. Creating a lapbook is a great way to make history come alive for your children. They can learn about different people and places in a time period by creating a lapbook that includes timeline figures, pictures, maps and other details. This is a great hands-on way for kids to remember what they are learning and it can be a lasting project that can be kept in their memory box for years to come.

Another hands-on way to make history more interesting for your children is to do a best american history homeschool curriculum. This can include reading biographies of people who lived during the time period you are studying. You can even do a unit study about a specific event in history like the gold rush or the Civil War. Watching a movie about the time period you are studying is another great way to make history come to life for your children. There are many educational movies available on the internet for you to choose from. You can find a wide range of options online at places like YouTube, Netflix and Hulu.

You can also look for videos on YouTube that are focused on a particular time period or event in history. There are a lot of videos that focus on American history but there are plenty of other options to choose from too. A great resource for finding free educational videos is WatchKnowLearn. This website catalogs hundreds of Wiki-style videos on a wide range of subjects. It has a section specifically for social studies and history so it’s easy to find what you need.

American History Homeschool Projects and Activities

Another popular option for homeschoolers is Khan Academy. It has a huge library of videos and some of them are quite good. The thing about Khan Academy is that it can be used as a stand alone curriculum or you can supplement it with other resources. The best part about it is that it has a wide range of topics and it’s free! You can use it to teach your child about any topic or event in history.

This is a very comprehensive collection of free resources for teaching American history and civics to your students. You can find courses on a variety of topics from the first Americans to the 21st century. You can also find quizzes and other activities for each topic.

There are also free courses that are a good fit for homeschoolers who want to learn about American history but don’t have the budget or time to spend on expensive books or videos. You can use these free courses for homeschooling younger students or to supplement a more expensive course for older students.

If you are looking for an American history curriculum that you can easily use with multiple children at different levels, Sonlight has the Perfect Blend US History Curriculum. This is an all-inclusive program that covers American history from the colonies through the Civil War, plus government and civics for elementary, middle and high school.


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