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Ancient astronauts

Ever wonder why childbirth is so painful? Why do women in the Middle East hide their bodies? Why is man so cruel? Going back to the history of man, some form of hunter-gatherer had been relatively the same for millions of years; no buildings, no farms, no language.

About 12,000 years ago all of that changed rapidly. Without explanation and suddenly man had agriculture, language, mathematics, astronomy, herbology, and had started to build buildings. What was this missing link? Recently unearthed ancient documents such as the Sumerian Tablets, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Book of Enoch have been painstakingly studied by experts for the past 30-20 years.

These scholars are saying that there could have been a visitation from advanced beings who, according to the texts, were NOT supposed to ‘fellowship’ with Earthlings, but they did. The children were too big for their mother’s womb and many died in childbirth. This is very terrible for humanity. During these thousands of years, Mother Nature may have compensated by making us leave 4 months earlier! Would this explain why birth, while not painful for any other animal on earth, is painful for humans?

Their tall bodies, large skulls, and somewhat incompatible genes of advanced beings created a violent and confused progeny called the nephilim. All of this happened in the Middle East, where there is still great violence and fighting to this day. The Latin word malus means apple and evil. For those familiar with the Biblical story of the Garden of Eden, this 12,000-year error (sin) was the starting point of evil on earth. Could the women of the Middle East preserve in their genetic memory remnants of this traumatic coupling that their bodies hide in some ancient and shameful memory?

Could the man be innocent?


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