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Anterior head syndrome: a growing epidemic

Have you ever walked into a grocery store and noticed an elderly person leaning forward with a “granny” hump on their neck? Or maybe a colleague who works day and night staring at a computer screen, head forward? Maybe it’s a couple who like to watch TV or read every day, only to lie on their backs with two or three pillows under their heads. What about people who drive a lot, with their head sticking out of the headrest (“windshield posture error”)? Perhaps even a young mother, or even worse, children who are constantly looking at tablets, computers, Ipads, Ipods (me-anything), mobile phones and screens, who are beginning to show signs of Anterior Head Syndrome.

What is Anterior Head Syndrome (AHS)? AHS is an acquired primary structural spinal condition that is a growing epidemic, often due to lifestyle choices and trauma. Various activities can cause the head and cervical spine (neck) to mold into a more forward position. These effects are devastating to health. According Joint Physiology, Volume 3, “For every inch of forward head posture, you can increase the weight of your head on your spine by an additional 10 pounds.” An adult’s head weighs between 12 and 15 pounds, and you can only imagine the added stress on the neck muscles and discs if AHS is not addressed. It’s no wonder why people can experience fatigue and pain in their necks, shoulders, and backs after a long day at work. Like putting your hand in wet cement, it can mold to your handprint as it dries. The spine does the same thing with abnormal spinal posture.

What can happen if I don’t correct AHS? Conditions secondary to abnormal spinal structure in the neck may include the following: arthritis, arm pain, back pain, bone spurs, carpal tunnel syndrome, cervical stenosis, decreased grip strength, degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), herniated discs, dizziness, widow’s hump (“granny’s hump”), fatigue, fibromyalgia, golfer’s or tennis elbow, headaches, hearing difficulties, jaw pain (TMJ), neck pain and muscle spasms, numbness and tingling in the arms and hands, rotator cuff problems, shoulder pain, sinus conditions, vision problems, and wrist pain. According to the prestigious magazine thornsForward head posture has been shown to flatten the normal curve of the neck, leading to disc compression, disc damage, and early arthritis, even in people without symptoms. Of the many people who do not have symptoms of AHS, permanent spinal damage can occur if not treated with corrective spinal care.

How should the neck be?: The cervical spine should have a nice arch when looking to one side of the body, with the inner flap of the ear (tragus) in a straight line over the shoulder (acromion). From the front view, the head should be perfectly aligned on the chest. Research according to Nobel Prize winner Dr. Alf Breig, a noted neurosurgeon, showed that “loss of cervical curve stretches the spinal cord by 5 to 7 cm (2 to 3 inches) and causes disease.” In my practice, after careful examination and radiographic analysis, I routinely see patients with 1-4 inch anterior head syndrome. That extra force on the spine is attributed to 10-40 pounds of extra weight in the head on the muscles of the neck and torso. Spinal cord lengthening of 2 to 3 inches, combined with 10 to 40 pounds of extra weight on the cervical spine, can contribute to a host of neurological conditions over time. AHS can occur through years of improper biomechanics and bad neck habits, or an instant whiplash in a car. It doesn’t happen a day or two after looking down on your smartphone. Problems start to surface over the years from abnormal wear patterns on the spine (much like a tire spinning along a bent axle – the tire tread will wear unevenly).

What to do with the AHS: Whether your goal is to reduce arthritis and pain, help with sinus problems and headaches, or reduce the “grandma hump” in your upper back, there are few ways to help to improve the AHS. After a series of x-rays, we use a specific protocol designed individually for each patient. We use specialized spinal restorative equipment to gently and slowly reshape the neck closer to its normal position. We also use specific chiropractic spinal adjustment and therapeutic exercises that are safe and beneficial by increasing cervical mobility. Additionally, modified changes to your daily lifestyle will be implemented, by identifying bad habits that cause AHS, including AHS-specific exercises, changing driving position, updated sitting and sleeping positions, improved biomechanics when exercising, and others. Keep in mind; no “magic pill or potion” will help restore a proper neck curve.

How do I find the right doctor for me? Traditional doctors, physical therapists, massage therapists and I even dare to write, many doctors who share my own profession, chiropractic, do little to show evidence of improving AHS. For best results, find a provider or chiropractor who specializes in chiropractic biophysics, or who can show you evidence of spinal changes in addition to simply helping you feel better. Just like working with a trainer, achieving the best results for your body in the gym is no different. A strong desire for improvement and additional work on your own time is needed to get the best results. When you train in the gym, you may notice results slowly, and after a period of time, even greater results! AHS correction is no different.

Working with a chiropractor who focuses on spinal correction along with making simple changes to your home and work routines will have tremendous benefits on your spinal health.


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