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Boston Terrier – Special concerns for this adorable breed

As beautiful as they are, Boston Terriers have some genetic traits and flaws that you should always be aware of. To keep your dog’s health in peak condition and ensure that he leads a healthy and happy life, you must make sure you are aware of the breed’s special requirements and potential dangers.

There are a few diseases that a Boston, particularly a Thoroughbred, is susceptible to. That’s why you want to make sure you get your Boston from a good, reputable breeder who can tell you all about the dog and his family line. You’d be surprised how much your breeder has to do with Boston’s happiness and yours.

Some of these special concerns include:

Genetic diseases such as: luxating patella (slipping knee), heart problems, scabies, respiratory problems, Cushing’s syndrome.

Extreme Weather Sensitivity: Bostonians can experience heat stroke if exposed to extreme heat, congestion, and humidity for prolonged periods. They are also sensitive to extreme cold and should not be exposed to this climate for long periods either. This is one of the reasons why this breed is classified as an indoor breed.

Wheezing – This is caused by the breed’s short muzzle. Although this is an integral part of a Boston Terrier, excessive wheezing should always be checked by a vet. He must also be careful not to expect excessive activity and exercise from his Boston due to this problem.

Eye Problems: This is the result of prominent Boston eyes. They are susceptible to associated problems, such as lacerations and infections, and must be closely monitored.

Although these concerns should be kept in mind at all times, peace of mind can be gained with a little care and attention. Checking your dog weekly for abnormalities or defects will help keep infections at bay. Being able to detect any strange behavior from your dog will give you a clue if he isn’t feeling well. And being careful in the summer and winter months will allow you to ensure that he is not exposed to temperatures that could be dangerous for him.


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