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Health Fitness

Build an iron core!

Basic exercises for men

Building a strong core involves much more than endless crunches and flutter kicks. A strong core is representative of a solid foundation in basic and functional movements. These movements include squats, OH press, bench press, deadlifts, pull-ups, bent-over rows, and power cleans. It is important to develop good form with these exercises; don’t try to lift too much weight with sloppy form. All muscle growth revolves around muscle stimulation; a full range of motion is more advantageous for stimulating the muscle fibers. You can also incorporate accessory movements into your training. However, if you’re just starting out or coming back to the gym after a long break, just add an extra exercise or two. For example, you could bank 5×5 and then bank 3×8.

Basic exercises for men

As you begin to further develop your physique, you can begin to incorporate higher volume training. I personally saw tremendous results when I bulked up, especially in areas like my back and chest. Be sure to eat plenty of nutritious foods if you plan to bulk up. Expect your training intensity to increase to meet the new demands of a challenging program. Also, keep in mind that this type of training is very suitable for loading phases. If you attempt something of this nature while on a cut, you’ll find yourself lacking the energy and mental focus to complete your lifts. If you’re an athlete in a power sport, this is for you! Here’s an example from my current back day to give you an idea of ​​how much volume I do:

1. Rack Pulls 3×8 (as heavy as you can get on these)

2. Seated Cable Rows 3×12 (pull to upper abs)

3. 3×12 Dumbbell Row (Keep your arms close to your body and push through your elbow – these are great for the lower lats!)

4. T-Bar Rows 3×12 (pulls into upper abs)

5. 3×8-12 Chin-ups (add weight by using a belt if you can; make sure your palms are facing you or supinated)

6. Lat Pull-downs 3×12 (I also do them supinated)

7. V-bar pull-downs 3×12 (pull to lower chest)

8. 3×15 Hyper Extensions (Self explanatory, make sure you go all the way down and really control the weight)

9. 3×15 Pullovers (these are great for building the serratus muscle, the muscle under the armpit)

Basic exercises for men.

As you can see, that’s a ton of volume! 27 series of 12 repetitions, that’s 324 repetitions! If you’re ready to take your training to the next level and really see some gains, try reformatting your workouts based on high volume training. I personally recommend this and I know you will be pleased with your results! Also note how my back training focuses on basic compound lifts. So I’m able to really isolate certain fibers with accessory movements.


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