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Cage Training a Puppy: 5 Tips to Help You Succeed

Crate training a puppy is a great way to raise your puppy dog ​​to a calm and happy dog. Some people worry that using a box can be cruel, although when used for the right reasons, nothing could be further from the truth. Using cage training to train your puppy can be an effective and humane method of establishing your puppy in a place in your home and giving your dog a strong sense of security.

Cage training is a widely used house training technique that provides your dog with his own special den and establishes acceptable behaviors for life at home. But training your puppy in the crate also provides other benefits. Listed below are 5 important tips to help crate train your dog.

First of all, under no circumstances should you send your puppy to his crate as punishment and don’t let any anger in your voice. In the event that your puppy misbehaves, simply take him to the crate with words of encouragement. Try to make it a happy place for your dog to take a break when needed. Try sitting with the puppy for a bit and petting him to assure him that you are not angry.

Second, give your pet’s cage a homey feel. Provide your puppy with blankets, chew toys, and also a cushion to rest on. However, more importantly, do not put food or drink in the cage with him. Let it be an area to rest.

Next, don’t keep your dog in the crate all the time. For example, do not leave your pet in the cage all day while you are at work. Dogs are pack animals. They are social and that is why they want to be with other animals, which includes us. For a dog, the family that lives in his house are other members of his pack. Sure, people don’t smell like other dogs, but that’s not the point. It will be difficult for you to get a dog that does not see himself as a human being.

Also, whenever you cage-train your puppy, be consistent in how you treat him. In the event that your dog jumps on people and you are using a crate to keep him away from this behavior, be sure to lock him up every time an incident occurs. Make sure to maintain a puppy-friendly experience by simply allowing your visitors to come through the crate and greet and pet your dog as well.

And finally, cage training can also be very effective when using “programmed cage time.” Like a child, even a dog needs to rest. These wonderful animals, rightly known as ‘man’s best friend’, tend to be light sleepers, always on guard for our protection. Offering them a little “nap time” will make them behave much better and also calm down.

If you want a well-trained dog, using cage training is a great way to go. If used correctly it will teach your dog to recognize you as his master or ‘leader of the pack’ and that is a vital first step in any successful puppy training.

Using a crate to train your new puppy gives him his own little ‘kingdom’ and you can even have a lot of fun decorating it and making it a fun place to be. Done correctly, with love and compassion, crate training your puppy is sure to offer the two of you a wonderful friendship free from much of the “drama” of having a dog.


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