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Can yoga change our lives?

Perhaps for many of us hearing the word “yoga” children’s fantasies about supernatural powers come to mind. But Yoga is in fact an educational program of human evolution. The word “yoga” in Sanskrit means “union”. We can deduce from this that the evolution of the body, mind and spirit together form what we call “human”.

All the great teachers believe that spiritual well-being must be preceded by physical and mental health. If you wonder what mind and spirit mean, you should know that there is no definite idea. This assumes that each of us is as free as he is responsible to ask, guess, feel and think, thus forming his own opinion of what spiritual means.

The practice of yoga aims at both the physical and the psychic, which is said to be two inseparable parts of a whole that intertwine in unexpected ways. Yoga training includes different postures (asana, mudra, bandha), breathing techniques (pranayama) and concentration to gain better physical and mental control. Of course, yoga can be used as a complementary exercise in many sports such as bodybuilding or fitness exercises. Yoga techniques for mobility are used in martial arts training. It’s easy to add yoga to your exercise routine.

As many people worry about work and family, the amount of stress increases day by day. This is the reason why people need to stay healthy both physically and mentally. The best option today seems to be yoga. The number of people who are choosing yoga as a way to get in touch with their spirit and at the same time stay active has increased significantly.

We all lead busy and stressful lives and the best way to achieve general wellness of mind and body is to heal and nurture our mind. These two aspects correlated with wanting to take a break from our hectic routine come together on a yoga retreat vacation.

You can access the internet and find out that yoga retreat is possible all over the world. It is the best way to spend your holidays doing yoga in exotic places. Surely this will be a factor for you to achieve a well-being of mind and body. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t had that much experience with yoga because yoga retreats offer beginner classes for everyone. Yoga surely changes our lives for the better.


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