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Can you be single but happy? Dating Tips and Advice

Do these words “single and happy” sound a bit of a paradox to you? Are you of the opinion that singles cannot be happy? Are you putting off decisions in life with just the signature, after I’m married and settled?

Do you often feel that the fun and enjoyment of life cannot be fully appreciated unless you have someone to share it with? And do you always think that there is never enough time and monetary resources for a single person to search for any experience that brings true happiness?

If these are your inner instincts, don’t lose hope. Follow the tips below to appreciate your current state from a different perspective. It is possible, through many behavioral changes. The tips highlight how to lead a carefree, fun-filled and balanced existence as a single person, which in turn also paves the way for a pleasant and healthy long-term relationship in the future.

1. Seek self-realization as an individual.

Focus on you first. Focus on the things that bring you joy and satisfaction. Whether it’s a hobby or people, do what makes you happy. Don’t let peace and enjoyment elude you as you wait forever to share a good movie or a beautiful setting with your future partner.

2. Don’t put off important life decisions while you’re waiting for that special someone.

Take life as it comes. Make the right decisions when the moment is relevant to you. For example, owning a house. Go ahead, do it. It hardly matters if it’s too small in the future. You can make a further decision to sell or rent that house. But right now it meets your immediate needs and helps you invest in something that provides safety and security.

It also comes with tax benefits. If you decide to change cities, change jobs, go back to study, do it by all means. You may need to rearrange your priorities a bit, but delaying such decisions can permanently dampen a plan, if you wait for a partner to come along and get established first. Time waits for no one. Do not put your life on hold for anyone, who also has not yet been seen or fulfilled. Instead, work toward your goals with determination and a sense of purpose.

3. Pamper yourself

Treat yourself once in a while. It keeps you happy and alive. Like taking a vacation to an exotic island you’ve always wanted. Of course, you can repeat the exercise with that special someone later.
Do things that a couple would normally do. Live in style, by yourself. Put some good looking china on the dinner table, light that romantic candle, and put on your favorite song while you eat alone. You deserve these small but important things for yourself.

Make your home beautiful. You will feel like going back to it every day. You can easily do it without spending a fortune. Make it as cozy as possible – a dream retreat. You and your partner can redecorate it once you establish a life together.

4. Make a plan, not excuses

Plan and organize your life. Do not give so much importance and priority to your work that it seems that you are married to it. Establish schedules for each activity and work according to their priority. We often see our job as the most popular excuse for not being able to do anything else in life, things that fit our other needs and desires.

You think ignoring your job means not climbing the corporate ladder or slowing down. But remember that the most important thing is to bring a sense of balance in life. Because the lack of it affects your mental, emotional, spiritual and leisure life. A workaholic is someone you can know, but never be.

5. Write down your essentials.

Stop that mad rush all the time. Learn to relax and take it easy and disconnect. It helps you with your mental health. Keep a scorecard of how you’re doing and make adjustments as necessary. Stop being a couch potato, cut TV out of your life from time to time. Instead, read a good stimulating book, reflect, and look inward for peace and quiet.

You have just started to turn a new page in life. Let this spring bring lasting spring into your life. After all, this land is our land, this time is our time. Make the most of what you already have and see all the beautiful things Mother Nature has to offer in abundance. And lastly, don’t let the spirit of life go out, because this is the only permanent thing we have with us. Regardless of our marital status.


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