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Can you recommend a reputable provider for Masseter Botox in London?

recommend a reputable provider for Masseter Botox in London

Located on each side of your jaw, the masseter muscles are involved with chewing and can get larger when a person clenches their teeth or grinds them. A clenched jaw is known as bruxism and it can cause pain, headaches, and damage to the teeth, leading to costly dental work. Masseter Botox can help reduce clenching and grinding by relaxing the muscle. The procedure is very safe and can be done in a medically supervised setting by a qualified practitioner.

The injections are a series of tiny injections into the muscle, typically requiring only about 15 minutes to complete. A local anaesthetic may be applied to the area prior to treatment for comfort. Some people experience slight sensitivity, but the treatment is not painful. Occasionally, the Masseter Botox London may feel a little sore for a few days after the injections, but this is normal.

How long does masseter botox last? The results from this minimally invasive procedure typically last about 3-6 months. After this time, a touch up is needed to maintain the effects of the treatment.

Can you recommend a reputable provider for Masseter Botox in London?

If you are not sure if this is the right option for you, we recommend booking in-person consultations at multiple clinics that provide masseter botox. Look for experienced practitioners who have extensive training in targeting the intricate masseter muscle. This will ensure the best possible results and minimize risks of complications.

Masseter Botox London is a popular cosmetic treatment that can produce dramatic results. It is a quick and simple procedure that is often used in conjunction with other cosmetic treatments, such as dermal fillers. It is also a great choice for people who are not ready to undergo surgery but want to address jaw clenching and a heavy or droopy face.

A droopy or heaviness to the jawline can be caused by a variety of factors, including ageing, genetics, and lifestyle choices. For example, it can be caused by clenching and grinding the teeth or by an untreated sleep disorder. Masseter Botox can reduce this heaviness, resulting in a slimmer and more feminine facial shape.

Unlike some other wrinkle reduction procedures, masseter Botox is considered an extremely safe treatment when it is provided by a doctor or nurse prescriber. However, there are a few important factors to consider when deciding whether to have the treatment. It is best to avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also a good idea to talk to a health professional about your medical history before receiving the treatment.

Masseter Botox is an affordable option for those who want to improve their facial symmetry or address issues related to jaw pain, clenching, and hypertrophy. This treatment is an excellent alternative to more invasive options like liposuction and rhinoplasty. If you are interested in this treatment, contact Injectual to book a complimentary consultation with a highly trained injector. They will create an individualised treatment plan and offer flexible financing options, such as Clearpay and Klarna.


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