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Lifestyle Fashion

My favorite restaurants in Paris

It’s been 6 months since we left Paris and while I love the KL life of glorious food and sunshine, every now and then I long for and remember the charming quaint Parisian bistros and delicious gourmet ‘tables’. So for…

Reiki Energy Healing effective to reduce pain

Science Daily recently published a review of a new study examining the efficacy of biofield therapies such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Healing Touch, titled “Biofield Therapies: Helpful or Overdone?” Led by Dr. Shamini Jain of the UCLA Division of…

No more "Unfaithful" – How to have an open relationship without hurt feelings

Perhaps no word in relationships, including those between gay men, is as inflammatory as “cheating” – the jargon to denote a person in a relationship who has sex with someone outside of that relationship in a way that all too…

How To Use Reverse Psychology To Roll Your Ex Back! 3 things that instantly change your ex’s mind!

What if you could literally change your ex’s mind and get him to give you back, just by using a few simple tricks? You may not think it is possible, because it has been difficult for you to change your…

How to find the best summer camp for your child

Is there really a “best” summer camp among all the others? There are certainly many good ones. But being the best means different things to different people. So the best summer camp is really the one that meets your child’s…

Preparation of black coffee: the perfect happiness for your health

Black coffee can taste spicy, especially for those who are used to drinking coffee with a lot of milk and sugar. But, the good it does for your health is unmatched by the health benefits you get from drinking a…

Make your bonsai tree look older

Among bonsai enthusiasts, the age of the bonsai is very important. It does not have to be the actual age, but the age of the tree. Since bonsai trees live for hundreds of years or more, it is impossible to…

How to choose a great tarot card reader

Destiny is a real concept of our life. It needs to happen and no one can change it. Tarot card readers are the people who can predict events and deal with different elements of life such as birth, marriage, career,…