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Celebrity Ghost Stories – Charlene Tilton

Former Dallas star Charlene Tilton, who played Lucy “Poison Dwarf” on the popular 1980s soap opera, claimed she was haunted by the ghost of her grandfather.

When she was very young, Charlene lived with her mother and grandfather in a small apartment in Hollywood. She was only six years old when her grandfather passed away, and she was often alone when her mother went to work. One day her mother came home to find Charlene crouching fearfully in the doorway. Charlene told her mother that there was something “scary” in the flat. Instantly, her mother told her that the spirit of her grandfather was in her apartment.

But Charlene’s supernatural experiences certainly didn’t end with her childhood, for as she grew older, she was always aware that her grandfather’s spirit still lingered close to her.

One day during his teens, a neighbor knocked on his door and asked him to turn down the volume on the radio, which was playing blaring pop music. Charlene refused. Then strange things began to happen: invisible hands ripped the plug out of the wall, and when she Charlene pushed it back into the plug, she pulled it out again, and with such force that sparks flew. The neighbor stood there, gaping in utter disbelief. Charlene knew it was the ghost of her grandfather again.

When Charlene left home to live in another part of Hollywood to start her career as an actress and model, she thought she had left the spirit behind. But when she moved into a new apartment with her boyfriend, her lover started complaining that the place was “creepy.” Charlene herself noticed this strange atmosphere that permeated the place. There were cold spots in certain parts of the apartment, and the doors opened and closed of their own volition.

Eventually, Charlene decided that she had had enough of all this ghostly activity, so she moved home again in hopes that the entity would get tired of following her around. As it turned out, once Charlene settled into her new home overlooking a canyon, she had no more trouble with the ghost. It seemed, much to Charlene’s relief, that her grandfather’s spirit had finally found peace.


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