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Change: a time for action

Nigeria is a country with many human and financial resources. Like many other nations, Nigeria should have a means of reaching the rest of the world. Nigeria Telecommunications Limited (NITEL), however, was officially commissioned as the nation’s telecommunications operator. This company was the only telecommunications network that served both the people and the government, and that made it very difficult for people to have or use the telephone in their homes and offices. But at some point, around the year 2003, something strange happened. The Federal Government of Nigeria granted licenses to GSM operators and their entry into Nigeria hit NITEL hard, and it fell.

One thing I know that remains separate from God and His Word is Change. Change is constant and it is here to stay. Life, as we all know, has two sides: the good side and the bad side. The changes that have occurred in the business world like today’s holocaust are very exciting to me as it is comforting. These changes have pushed us to our limits that we now kneel down to pray. When you remember the number of people who died because there was a change that forced them to lose what they had; the list of workers who lost their jobs because there was a change in positions of authority, etc., we can only wait but pray. God has been at work shaking the nations, warning the people, and we all feel the tremors.

As a result, many entrepreneurs have been racking their brains trying out new formats; draw up strategies to always have control of the world of the market; building convictions and building infrastructures that facilitate growth. Without the occurrence of change, many people would be idle, inventions would not have been made, and there would have been no development. Change can be initiated by crisis, scarcity, tough economy, bad economic policies, etc. In such periods, potentially injured people plan to achieve a solution. The moment he doesn’t break even in marketing his ideas, he always tries to come up with strategic plans to reshape his channels. In addition, by trying to bring almost everything in your company under management control, you issue some control measures and mandates that may seem unhelpful to your workers. The strong challenge you receive from this quickly makes you aware of the negative impact of the change on your staff. All these are nothing more than products of change.

When change occurs, many people cry, while many, even the vast majority, have happy faces. When the time came for the GSM operators to storm into the Nigerian wilderness, NITEL stood in front of them, mounting a roadblock at their entrance. But when it came time for change, these GSM operators and their customers were thrown into the uncertain and exhilarating waters of “freedom.”

NITEL collapsed. The workers wept. Salaries were not paid. The phone lines were not working. Many people abandoned them for the new GSM services. The company went bankrupt, workers were laid off and laid off. The unemployment rate was pushed up. However, this forced many people to take any kind of job they could find, regardless of whether or not the job was worth it. But another kind of change took place. These GSM operators began to build commercial stores and offices in many states and their localities, providing employment for millions of unemployed people, which propelled the government to slow but steady economic growth and economic strength. Change doesn’t stop, it continues. It remains as someone says, “the present and the future”.

Every entrepreneur who truly wants to succeed in business must always look and think clearly, keeping in mind, as he plans his business ahead of time, the main reason he is in business and the people he has come to serve. Lack of vision impairs awareness and smooth movement. And this occurs when business owners and their agents lack a real understanding of their customers and what they provide. This was NITEL’s real problem. Never allow a shift to occur before attempting to buckle up. Be a change initiator yourself, and as change happens, be a part of it. This creates stability and confidence. Your clients will always trust you and be by your side, even in the face of a less than conducive change; they will hardly leave it to switch to another, no matter what juicy carrots their competitors may dangle before them.

Entrepreneurs are by far product oriented; they work efficiently in the commercialization of the containers. When doing so, always try to work on the needs of your clients and be versatile. Being versatile means not being tied down by traditional forms of business management. The virtual world has offered new possibilities for every entrepreneur to explore. Take the opportunity and see what other people in your line of business are doing. You’ll always be late, every time you try to stay out of it. Expand your product marketing horizons with blogs, sites, eBooks, audiobooks, multimedia, virtual communities, etc.

However, your focus on the real needs and concerns of your target market goes a long way in building their self-confidence. Change brings us closer to reality. In times of change, we all tend to turn to God for help. In addition to bringing us closer to God, change helps us to know the One who knows the future, and that He brings change, transformation, to all of our lives to bring us closer to Him. What do you normally do at the moment of change? Do you just sit idly by watching the events taking place? You must be among those who create change and make things happen. Change is never a burden or a curse, it is a blessing! Change tells us to prepare to act, and that we (you and I) must do so without fail!


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