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Changing your life does not require big changes

Wow, this year has flown by fast!

In what seems like the blink of an eye, I am once again beginning the yearly process of working with clients to help them define what they want for the coming year. In a few weeks, I’ll be doing the same for myself. (Yes, I use the same tools as my clients!)

I’m not a fan of New Year’s resolutions. They are usually thrown away along with the empty champagne bottles. However, I deeply believe in the power of intentional change. And there’s something about the freshness of a new year that makes you want to create positive change in your life.

Sometimes that means a big structural change: a career transition, the beginning or end of a significant relationship, or moving to a new city.

More often, however, it is a desire to experience life differently. This is what Gretchen Rubin describes in her book the happiness project how to change your life without changing your life. It is a change that comes from the transformation of your internal landscape and the way you interact with your external world.

The following nine practices have the potential to profoundly change your life, without disruption.

As you look towards the New Year, choose just one or two to get started. Integrate them into your daily life. What you do every day has a much bigger impact than biting into a big chunk every once in a while.

Practice gratitude. You know how when you decide to buy a new car, suddenly it’s everywhere? It’s not because you have magically manifested an increase in sales of that model; you are simply more aware.

Gratitude works in a similar way. The more you appreciate what is good, the more good you will see.

Clean up the mess. Every time I return to my natural clutter habits, I’m reminded again of the distraction and overwhelming mess it creates. If you have piles of stuff in your space, either in plain sight or hidden behind closed doors, pick them up into little pieces and make them disappear!

Change your lens. The lens through which you view your world creates your experience, not the other way around.

Once you choose your lens, create a daily practice to keep it a priority. A sticky note on the bathroom mirror, writing it down in a journal, or saying it out loud on the way to work are effective ways to make sure you don’t forget.

Choose your thoughts. Does your mind feel like a toxic dump or is it a nice place to be? You are in control of what you allow to hang out in your head.

Watch your health. When life gets busy, it’s so It’s easy to neglect healthy habits: eating right, getting enough sleep and exercise, and stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or just quiet time.

I don’t know about you, but “not at my best” is an understatement when I’m hungry, sleep deprived, or stressed. You’ll be healthier, happier, and more focused, energetic, and productive when you invest in your health.

Move your body…every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes. Stretch, dance around the room, take a short walk, do some yoga poses, anything that gets your body moving.

Be picky about who you spend your time with. A friend recently posted the following on her Facebook page (pardon the language): “Before diagnosing yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure you’re not, in fact, surrounded by jerks. ~William Gibson.”

The people you spend your time with either push you up or drag you down. Your choice.

Act as if Action follows thought and thought follows action. when you act like Yeah the change you want has already happened, you will start to feel different. And when you start to feel differently, your actions will start to align with the new way you feel. It’s a beautiful upward spiral.

Be yourself. It’s easier, more effective, and less tiring. And to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, everyone else is already taken.

As each practice becomes part of your natural rhythm and routine, add the next ones. Before you know it, you will have changed your life!

“If you move confidently in the direction of your dreams and strive to live the life you have imagined, you will find unexpected success in ordinary hours.” ~Henry David Thoreau


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