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Digital Marketing

Content marketing mindset to deal with your enemies

Let me tell you a secret:

For a long time, I was disappointed.


Because I didn’t post content to grow my copywriting business on Facebook. (Or any social media platform for that matter.) And the reason why was stupid.

Do you want to hear it?


He was afraid of being judged.

Afraid of what people would think of me and my writing advice.

Fear of what they will say.

Anyway, I joined Dan Meredith’s intellectual group of about 20 successful entrepreneurs that cost $4,000. And I also paid 2k for something with John Lee Dumas.

And do you know why this was the best thing I did?

Because it made me take action.

I now had some “skin in the game”.

I mean, it’s not exactly life-changing money, but who wants to put 6k into something and do nothing with it?

So after our first webinar on Mastermind about a month ago, I made a decision.

I was going to pull out my phone, hit the “Facebook live” button, and start talking about the copy.

Now, this may not seem like a big deal. But for me? It was.

Look, I’ve never used my personal Facebook page for business in my life. Not even in my Personal Training days.

I thought, “Most people on Facebook aren’t going to give a shit about any of that, so I’d just be bugging them.”

Looking back, it’s a stupid thought.

really dumb

I remember Dan saying that unless someone is a relative, a close friend, or paying you money, then his opinion is invalid.

Anyway, it turns out that people who don’t mind learning how to copy just don’t watch the videos.

So caring about people’s opinions turned out to be irrelevant. A total waste of time and energy.

So, my friend, if YOU have a message you want to send to the world…

Or you have a skill that others can benefit from…

So don’t be a skittish cat like I was for so long.

Take that leap of faith…

And publish your content.

PS: Some people have argued with me in various forums and Facebook groups since then. And you know what? In fact, I enjoy it.


Two reasons:

1) Because it means I’m not boring. And I’m getting out more. So that more people know about me.

Happy Days.

2) Because I will win any argument. Every time.

And I’ll say this, too.

It’s easy for people to act “macho” online. People think they are invincible.

In real life?

bunch of cowards

I wouldn’t say “boo” to a goose.

Also, when you receive abuse from someone on a forum, click on their profile and 9 times out of 10 you will see them abusing everyone.

They are the very definition of a “negative Nancy.”

So fuck ’em.

And fuck your opinions.

You will be very happy about it.

PPS – Not my usual copywriting and direct response marketing advice today.

But this was important. And I was passionate about it.

really passionate.

And posting content for the world to see is something you should be doing if you really want to grow your business. Content marketing depends a lot on the minute. And you have to do it yourself.

So please don’t be one of those people who get an endorphin rush after reading this, but don’t implement any of it.

As “Doberman Dan” says:

“Movement beats meditation.”

So take some action!


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