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Developing Authenticity and Effective Leadership

The concept of authenticity has its roots in the Greek philosophy: ‘Be true to yourself’. Authenticity has been described as the unobstructed operation of the true, or central, self in one’s daily enterprise. However, dangers arise if people assume that their personal values ​​take precedence over other norms. Some assume this justifies unprofessional behavior, for example, personal criticism from colleagues rather than simply focusing on the issues. This undermines professionalism and can quickly contribute to loss of motivation and loss of confidence.

The assumption that ‘our way is best’ is invariably a limiting and potentially harmful view. In organizations, problems can arise when systems are inadequate and managers lack the conviction to surface problems and confront dysfunctional behavior. The success of any organization can then be threatened by leadership failures that include poorly designed systems, resistance to feedback, and an inability to anticipate changes in requirements. Shortcomings include a lack of personal conviction, which is important when dealing with unacceptable behavior.

Effective leadership is based on four basic elements of authenticity. People who consider themselves ‘authentic’ demonstrate higher levels of self-awareness, insight and openness, and the ability to achieve ‘balanced processing’ of information.

self awareness

This involves understanding your unique talents, strengths, sense of purpose, core values, beliefs and desires… are you open to new ideas and receptive to feedback that helps you maintain and develop this insight?

Balanced Information Processing

Effectiveness is based on a willingness to consider multiple aspects of a problem, including other people’s points of view. Can you recognize that you may not see or appreciate all the problems?

relational authenticity

Trust develops when there is openness and truthfulness in close relationships. We can use selective self-disclosure to acknowledge that we are not perfect. How well do you build trust and appear genuine when working with others?

Authentic behavior/action

This involves responding to situations in an appropriate way, in the context of your role, respecting your core values. Does it behave (to the extent possible) in a manner consistent with these values? Important themes are explored in Seven principles for exceptional performance.

Authentic leadership is based on the idea that through increased self-awareness, self-regulation, and positive modeling, authentic leaders foster the development of authenticity in followers. The theory suggests that Authentic Leaders draw on their positive Psychological Capital or ‘PsyCap’ to make it clear to others what is required and generate positive energy. They create meaning and a genuine sense of purpose, so that others develop a sense of personal ownership and become ‘stakeholders’ in the activity.

The evidence suggests that exceptional performance also requires additional steps. These include ensuring there is adequate support/resources and encouraging discretionary effort by involving people in developing and implementing solutions to problems. Using 360-degree feedback, along with awareness of the Seven principles for exceptional performancethey are based on the four elements of authenticity and help develop overall effectiveness.


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