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Dimensions of job satisfaction

There is some question as to whether job satisfaction consists of a single dimension or several separate ones. Some workers may be satisfied with some aspects of their job and dissatisfied with others. However, there appears to be a positive correlation between levels of satisfaction in different areas of work. This suggests a single overall factor of job satisfaction. However, it seems that there is no general and comprehensive theory that explains job satisfaction.

Today it is still considered by a number of critics as a complex and difficult concept to measure objectively. A wide range of variables related to individual, social, cultural, organizational and environmental factors affect the level of job satisfaction. Specifically:

– Individual factors include personality, education, intelligence and abilities, age, marital status. Work orientation.

– Social factors include relationships with co-workers, group work and norms, opportunities for interaction, informal organization.

– Cultural factors include underlying attitudes, beliefs and values.

– Organizational factors include nature and size, formal structure, personnel policies and procedures, employee relations, nature of work, technology and work organization, supervision and leadership styles, management systems and working conditions.

– Environmental factors include economic, social, technical and governmental influences.

These different factors affect the job satisfaction of certain people in a given set of circumstances, but not necessarily in others. The various job satisfaction studies have some validity and have served companies in times of need and performance evaluation.

A strategic way to achieve job satisfaction is to establish a corporate culture that encourages communication and drives quality work. It is particularly important that employees see excellence rewarded, not fear making mistakes, work in a supportive atmosphere, and see a relationship between hard work and rewards. As a tool for such strategic changes, organizational culture can be changed by reshaping functions, such as communications systems, and building teams and creating leaders. Managing change is the challenge for businesses today and its success or failure will judge the viability of any business for years to come.


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