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Employment News – The best guide to getting good jobs

India is a country with over a billion people. The large population of the country was known as a major obstacle to the development of India in the past. But, now it is seen as a gold mine of human power, both for intellectual and physical work. The increase in population created several new jobs. Indian youths make better use of employment news magazines and online sources to search for these jobs. There were only a handful of banks in India before 20 years. Today, there are hundreds of banks that are expanding rapidly. The upcoming bank exams plan to hire thousands of employees throughout the year.

Economic reforms in the country paved the way for more revenue, leading to tremendous growth in the entertainment, hospitality, and tourism industries. This also leads to more savings, resulting in several new financial investment consultancies and banks. Young job seekers in this decade are inundated with a multitude of opportunities.

weekly employment news

Job News is a weekly magazine that provides all the information about the jobs available in the private and public sector in India. They list almost all upcoming banking exams with syllabi, applications, and extensive exam preparation tips. There are a handful of websites that offer similar employment services. But, they are limited to collecting the resume of the candidates and sending it to the required private sector companies. Whereas, the weekly job news, published in three languages, serves as a comprehensive job search guide providing A-Z details of every vacancy they post. The weekly is available both online and offline for the benefit of all job seekers across the country.

Employment News Weekly Employment Forecast

Several public sector banks hired new and experienced people to work for them in 2011. The trend is expected to continue this year as well. The upcoming bank exams in 2012 are conducted by IBPS or Institute for Banking Personnel Selection located in Mumbai. They frame questionnaires and conduct interviews for various banking jobs, such as entry-level officers, clerks, and specialist officers. Nearly 19 public sector banks follow their screening and selection pattern to hire their employees. The weekly estimates that about 2,000 finance graduates will be recruited to various banks this year.

The employment news weekly has extensive information on these upcoming bank examinations carried out by the IBPS, as well as other private sector banks. It also lists various railway job vacancies, defense vacancies, and vacancies in the education sector. Less explored fields like mining, plastic technology, and the agricultural and medical industries also advertise their useful vacancies in this magazine. Based on his vast experience, the 2012 weekly forecasts would recruit more than half a million employees in India.


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