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Equestrian Essentials: Gatehouse Riding Helmets

Riding hats: how they work

A riding hat is the most important piece of equestrian clothing. They are made of a hard shell lined with cushioning material made of high-grade expanded polystyrene, filled with microscopic bubbles. Bubble layers burst on impact. By popping, they protect the head and reduce the risk of injury in the event a rider falls or is kicked by a horse.

Put on a riding hat

A well-fitting helmet is essential for safe riding, as an ill-fitting hat will not offer adequate protection. First, put your helmet on correctly. Make sure it is level, which means the visor is not tilting up or down. Buckle the harness, making sure it is comfortably snug. The helmet should sit level, just above the eyebrows and the top of the ears. You should not rock forward, backward, or side to side and you should only be able to fit one finger on the jaw strap. The helmet must fit well in all respects. Move it from side to side and from side to side. If you move freely, please choose a smaller size. If it’s uncomfortable, you need a larger size. You also need to check the shape of the hull. If it presses against your forehead but is roomy on the sides, it is too round for your head; if it fits on the sides but rocks back and forth, it’s too oval. Many helmets come with fit pads that you can slide into the inner band to fix this problem. Or try a different style with a more or less oval shape as the shape varies, even within brands.

Taking care of your helmet and your safety

Riding helmets should always be replaced immediately if they sustain a severe impact from a fall or even if dropped on a hard surface. Although there may be no visible damage, any severe impact to the helmet may result in reduced protection. For this reason, it’s always better to buy a new hat rather than a second-hand one, as you can’t be sure it wasn’t involved in a fall or fell off. The expected useful life of a helmet is about 5 years. It must be replaced after this time to ensure adequate protection.

It should also be noted that helmets are sensitive to extreme heat, so they should always be stored out of direct sunlight. The tiny Styrofoam bubbles inside the helmet will melt at high temperatures, so if left in a car on a hot day, the helmet could be damaged. Also, always clean your helmet with specialized products made specifically for the interior or exterior of the helmet to ensure no damage occurs.

Gatehouse: product and security credentials

Gatehouse helmets have been at the forefront of development over the years, offering riding caps that are lightweight, comfortable and competitively priced. Safety is a priority and Gatehouse helmets have been recognized by the British Standards Institute for their consistency and high levels of safety test results. Gatehouse helmets come in a wide range, which means there will be styles and standards to suit all tastes and budgets, covering all different riding disciplines.

Gatehouse’s HS1 jockey helmet is the only helmet in the UK to have passed the British Standard Institute and Snell E2001 tests, the world’s highest manufactured equestrian safety standard, making it one of the highest riding helmets. insurance available.


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