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Four tips on how to clean your dog’s teeth at home

Cleaning dog teeth is a dreaded chore in my home, but a necessary one. I’m not a fan of sedating my dog ​​to have his teeth cleaned, so here are some tips on how to clean our dog’s teeth at home.

Tip 1: acclimate your dog to having his mouth handled. For us, we would gently open our dog’s mouth (much to his dismay) several times a day while pairing him with a command, and then verbally praise him and give him a small treat. I recommend doing this as much as possible, from a very young age if you can.

Tip 2: Give your dog a taste of the good stuff. Don’t use human toothpaste, it’s a big no-no. Instead, go out and buy some flavored dog toothpaste and let him taste it. (To this day, our dog loves the taste of toothpaste, even though it’s combined with a less pleasurable act: brushing his teeth.) First, put some toothpaste on your finger and rub it across the gums of your dog’s teeth. Next time, try again, but with a toothbrush.

Tip 3: Try to brush your teeth often at first. Although you may not clean as many dog ​​teeth in one sitting, it’s a good idea to try cleaning your dog’s teeth frequently at first so he gets used to the feel of a toothbrush on his teeth and gums. Make sure to give her lots of praise and maybe even a nice gift afterward so she has a positive association with the experience.

Tip 4: Between brushings, offer your dog a chew toy. I recommend a rope toy: they are strong and durable and your dog will love to chew on them. As the wind-up toy naturally frays, the loose strands act like dental floss and help clean your dog’s teeth.


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