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Free Ads for Small Businesses During COVID-19

In the midst of this pandemic, many people have had the opportunity to help and do what they need for their community. Many of us were able to connect with our communities in new ways. In Boston, small businesses have lost a significant amount of foot traffic.

“There are DoorDashing and post-marriage people half the things they usually buy” – owner of Symphony Mart on Boylston St. in Fenway.

Convenience stores are losing foot traffic at a rate they have never seen before.

“Who is buying diamonds during the pandemic? Not a lot of people,” Boston jewelry owner Maury and his wife (they’ve been in business for more than 20 years).
This is another physical store that was advertised by this small marketing agency in downtown Boston.

When I contacted the founder of the Oakland Trust Marketing Company, I told him that I was an aspiring journalist interested in his methods. He answered me with a sentence that I will not be allowed to write here again. I explained to him that I am not here to complain about anything, just to learn. He finally agreed to give a statement though he asked not to be named, he wanted the world to take one thing away from him;
“Connecting customers with quality products is all I know how to do, I was doing it before the pandemic and we’re doing it even more now. This is the time when people need you to buy, we spend our money like crazy before the pandemic”. pandemic and now all of a sudden we know how to budget. Buy your candy bar, you deserve it! I’ve been looking for a sign from God to pull the trigger on a beautiful, argument-solving necklace for his partner, now he’s got it.”-Oakland Trust Marketing Company Founder.

I have a feeling that maybe he was trying too hard to sell in that conversation, but at the same time I appreciate the effort just because I know that’s what this kid is doing as he runs around Boston promoting these stores. . He is always selling and always making sure you know where to go. I wouldn’t want to have a long relaxing dinner with the guy, but I would definitely like him to push whatever comes into his head in the future. If I were to undertake, I would definitely consider the designs and slogans from him. After looking at them, I was fascinated by how they incorporated real features unique to these stores within the ad. The ads didn’t look tacky, they were tacky, don’t get me wrong, because they are ads and almost all ads are tacky when you know they’re trying to sell. This was a different style of tacky, I hadn’t seen it before. I didn’t know how to rate it, how to judge it, I didn’t even know what to say about it, but here I am 73 hours later writing about it.


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