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Freedom Equity Group Review – Should You Join?

So if you are reading this Freedom Equity Group Review, you are probably thinking of becoming a member and doing a bit of research online. If that’s the case, look no further. In this third-party article, I’ll give you all the essential details you need before joining. Now very quickly … I want to disclose that I am NOT a member of Freedom Equity Group nor am I affiliated with them in any way. In fact, I don’t really care one way or another if you decide to join or not. This is important to you because you know that you will at least get an unbiased perspective on the business. With that said, let’s get started …

First things first, let’s talk about the company itself. In my opinion, having great products and a lucrative compensation plan is second only to having a solid company with a stable infrastructure that can handle future growth. The company was founded in 2002, so it is not a start-up company, which is good if you are looking for a company that is a bit more stable. The management team is very experienced and their field leaders appear to be very professional. The company is based in California and is associated with some highly reputable companies such as Fidelity & Guaranty and National Western Life. My suggestion is that if you really want to join in and build a long-term business with them, take the time to visit their corporate office in Arroyo Grande. Sure it could be coming out of pocket for travel expenses, but if you’re doing due diligence, it makes sense to meet people at the home office. Of course, if your goal is to make a couple of bucks here and there, you probably don’t have to take the time to visit the home office. But if you are looking to build a long-term business where you can earn 6 figures (or several 6 figures) a year, then it is worth it. Speaking from experience, I wish I had done this before joining some companies. It would have saved me a lot of time and frustration.

Freedom Equity Group’s main product is Index Universal Life Insurance, or IUL. It is a form of permanent coverage, unlike term insurance, which is coverage only for a specified period of time. In addition to life insurance, IUL also provides a savings vehicle through which you can accumulate and grow your money tax-free. And if that wasn’t enough, the policies they sell also provide living benefits, allowing you to use your coverage without dying. Everyone needs to be informed about these essential financial services, so you will have a huge market to promote your product should you decide to join.

When it comes to the compensation plan, it’s pretty straightforward. Depending on your earned position, you will earn up to 93% of the annual premium for all of your personal clients. For example, if you have a customer who pays $ 250 per month, they will earn a percentage of the annual premium that is $ 3,000 in this example. Suppose you are a district manager (which is the third position in the compensation plan), you will earn 50% of the annual premium, which would be $ 1,500. Not bad for a client. Keep in mind that you will most likely get 75% of your commission up front and 25% later. And you will be paid after the customer is approved, which can take 30-90 days depending on the underwriting process. That said, you are still earning a very healthy commission while providing essential financial services to people who need help.

If you decide to create and grow a team, you could also get up to 63% overrides on sales made by your team reps. Sounds good? That’s because it’s … you can earn hundreds (and even thousands) of dollars when someone on your team completes a sale. The “downside” (for lack of a better term, as it may not be a downside depending on how you look at it) is that you need to recruit about 10 people to get 3 or 4 licenses, and about 1 of them will be active and in production. . Of course, if you find a way to recruit licensed representatives who are already joining with a license, then you could probably beat those numbers.

In addition to personal and override commissions, you will also earn renewal income, generational overrides if you create other leaders, and you might also qualify to earn company-wide money through Bonus Pools that you could participate in. Overall, there is certainly a lot of money you could make if you run your business in a certain way and agree with the way life insurance companies pay commissions.

So Freedom Equity Group is a good company. The short answer is yes. The company has been around and the management team is strong. Should you join? Only you could answer that. If you are looking for a more professional service to market and you like the idea of ​​sitting down with people and helping them solve their financial problems, then FEG could be the company for you.

Here are my three suggestions before joining. One, take the time to study the company’s system for developing the business so that it is aligned with the company’s culture. For example, if your entire company culture revolves around home dating and you want to incorporate online webinars and conference calls, there may be a conflict. Two, find a sponsor and team that has a system that you can leverage to build your business. For example, ask to see the document or training they have for unlicensed people to get a license. Do they even have a system? Or do they just let the new representative get the license on their own? And last but not least, I recommend using attraction marketing to generate a steady stream of quality leads. Sure you can take advantage of your warm market, but imagine how big your team can get if you had 20+ leads directed to your inbox every day. If you could apply these three things, it is unknown how prosperous your FEG business can be.


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