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ftp for beginners

FTP is an abbreviation for “File Transfer Protocol”.

It is used to upload and download files to an online server. Even if you don’t know it, you probably use FTP regularly. A typical application is downloading files online and when you download large video or music files. Also, people who design web pages will find it indispensable.

FTP addresses are very similar to website addresses, with the exception of including ftp:// instead of http:// in the address.

Sometimes the servers are dedicated to receiving FTP connections. This is called an FTP server or site as it is only used for uploading or downloading files; this is similar to a web server, which is a computer whose primary purpose is to host web pages.

An FTP Client (Software)

This is a fancy title for software that is created to move files back and forth over a network. The Internet is actually a very large “wide area” network (WAN).

Clients can also include the following features: create folders on the remote server, change permissions (CHMOD), rename files, delete files, transfer multiple files, etc.

Where can I get the software from?

  • Anyone planning to stream multiple files should consider investing in a quality professional client like WS-FTP Pro.
  • It is possible to use Windows Explorer, but many people find it difficult to use.
  • An effective and free client is Filezilla.
  • If you only want to upload a few files, or if you just want to try the program, it’s usually possible to get a free trial from some customers.

Before uploading files, you will need:

  1. The “Host” (Server), usually ftp.somewebsite.tld, or simply an IP address
  2. The username
  3. Password
  4. Use passive FTP? (typically “Yes”)
  5. Connect via security (SFTP)? (Usually not”)
  6. The server port (usually 21)
  7. You will almost never be able to upload to the home folder you are connected to when the host connects. Web content is usually placed in a folder called /public_html or /www or /httpdocs depending on the operating system being used. To publish a website, you need to know this. In addition, you must know the name of the main page. (Usually index.htm or index.html, or home.htm) if you publish a website.


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