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Game Developer Salary in Santa Clara, CA, and Fremont, CA

Game Developer Salary in Santa

When it comes to the pay scale for a game developer, Santa Clara, CA, is the top city. It’s followed by San Francisco, CA, and Fremont, CA. These cities beat out the national average for game developers by as much as 23.3% and $23,550, respectively. If you’re planning to become a game developer, then it’s worth taking a look at these three cities for a starting salary and possible future earnings.

game dev salary

The average game developer salary varies widely by location, but the highest earning professionals can earn over $150,000 a year. Entry-level professionals can expect to earn about $35 thousand a year. In addition, salary may also vary by skill level and location. For instance, entry-level game developers in India earn an average of $33,000 a year. The average game developer salary varies by location and years of experience. And the salary can double or triple for true experts.


Game developers typically work in a game development studio. Some companies hire in-house developers while others outsource the work to freelancers. These freelancers can be found in India and Europe. The cost of working with game developers varies based on experience. The cost of living in each region is different, but the pay is typically much higher than those in the United States or other developed countries. As with most professions, the salary for a game developer varies widely.

Game Developer Salary in Santa Clara, CA, and Fremont, CA

Salaries for video game developers vary widely. According to Glassdoor, the median game developer salary ranges from $52k to $127k – or about $71,724 if you are in the top 8%. The salary ranges also vary depending on the size of the project. A junior game developer may have fewer responsibilities than a senior one, and will work with junior developers. Senior game developers may be lead developers, who oversee the entire project and assign specific tasks to the team members.

The average game developer salary in India is approximately PS57k. Salaries can vary widely, depending on experience, location, and specialist area. A senior game developer may earn between PS55k and PS75k. Some companies offer profit-sharing plans and bonuses for their developers. Most game developers work a 40-hour week, but this may increase as deadlines approach. They may also have to work nights and weekends. It is worth knowing what your salary will be based on your location.

Typically, the entry-level game developer salary ranges between $50,000 and $140,000. The lower levels of the game developer salary are the most difficult to predict because of the fluctuation in the game industry, but they do make excellent money – and can often become more senior as they gain experience. In addition, they may begin managing small teams of programmers. A senior game developer will typically be responsible for creating new technologies, and lead game programmers will typically manage programming teams of three or more people. A technical director will be responsible for managing a team of programmers that are working on important technologies. They may also manage the entire game development department.

In addition to technical skills, a game developer salary is dependent on the level of experience and the skills of the individual. They will need to work on prototypes, testing plans, and balancing their personal and professional lives. Soft skills are difficult to quantify, but they are important for the advancement of a game developer’s career. A game developer who is good at working with others, provides feedback, and assists teammates are key for a high salary.


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