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Get shiny and healthy natural hair with keratin hair treatment

Keratin hair treatment is a procedure to straighten hair and leave it healthy and shiny. This treatment uses a type of protein that is present in a person’s hair, nails, and teeth.

Keratin treatment benefits

Keratin protein helps soften and straighten hair. This protein forms a layer on the strands to make them shiny and healthy. This protective layer remains on the hair for a long time. This treatment relaxes hair curls and repairs damaged hair. Hair texture remains smooth and does not feel brittle. This procedure can be performed easily and leaves the hair strong and the tendency to breakage also greatly reduces work as a hair loss treatment. This procedure can take anywhere from one hour to five hours, depending on the curls and condition. The result of the treatment will last from two to four months, depending on the quality of the treatment carried out and the care taken after the treatment.

Types of keratin treatment

There are two main types of treatments available, the first is the normal keratin treatment and the second is the keratin plus treatment. Keratin treatment is a chemical-free procedure to make hair soft, smooth and vibrant. Two types of proteins are used, human hair keratin and botanical keratin. The reason is that the smaller keratin molecules from human hair pass into the cuticle and the larger botanical keratin forms a layer on the cuticle. This leaves hair nourished with keratin both inside and out. Keratin Treatment Plus has some natural ingredients in its mix that can vary by product. You will need to check the composition of the substance to clearly know what has been added. Some of the manufactures add the goodness of plant vitamins like vanilla. Some products add collagen to revitalize hair. Chocolate has also been used with keratin, as cocoa helps to strengthen the internal structure of the hair and restores the hair’s natural tendency to stretch, which helps in treating hair loss. Some products add strawberry, which is rich in fatty acids, omega-3s, and vitamin C, which helps improve hair texture.

Aftercare for hair care

Hair maintenance after keratin treatment is very essential to maintain the effect of the procedure for a long time. During the waiting period, which is usually 3 days, it is necessary that the hair does not get wet. In case your hair gets wet due to sweat or for any other reason, it is important to blow-dry it as soon as possible. Try to let them down as often as you can and avoid putting your hair in a ponytail. This will help keep your hair straight for a long time.


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