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Health risks of a non-ergonomic environment

Can working in a non-ergonomic office be bad for your health? Yes, say some ergonomic lifestyle advocates. But, let’s be real; people have worked in traditional offices for years without putting their health and well-being at risk. Of course, being smart about how you work can help increase your chances of staying safe and healthy.

The truth is that overstressing any part of your body, whether it be a set of muscles and tendons, your immune system, or even your mental health, can be dangerous, and since ergonomics is all about bringing physical, mental, emotional beings together and technology in better alignment and harmony can only help create a healthier and more comfortable work environment.

Without an ergonomically designed workspace, you could be setting yourself up for a myriad of physical elements including:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – This can be avoided by using better aligned keyboards and other office tools
  • Tendonitis: Finding a better fit in office equipment can help alleviate this painful condition.
  • Fatigue: Something as simple as putting an anti-glare filter on an annoying computer screen can alleviate eye strain and help alleviate mid-day fatigue.
  • Chronic colds and flu: Stress can weaken the immune system. Ergonomics helps find ways to reduce physical and emotional stress by improving the way people view their work tasks and finding better (and easier) ways to perform them. Another way to prevent further physical ailments is to make your work environment more physically comfortable in terms of temperature. People who feel too cold or too hot in the office may be more likely to get colds or worse on a regular basis. Regulating temperatures and the like can help alleviate these problems once and for all.
  • Mental Health: Psychological problems can also be avoided by reducing stress levels, frustration, and feelings of inadequacy.

So now that you better understand the dangers of working in a non-ergonomic environment, what can you do about it? First, make sure the equipment and tools you use (computers, desks, chairs, etc.) are comfortable to use. Make sure chairs and desks are at the right height to avoid neck and back strain; install additional lighting to stop eyestrain; and use specially designed keyboards to avoid wrist and hand problems.

Next, make sure the outdoor environment is comfortable. Get rid of plants that may be causing allergy symptoms; Turn the temperature down or up in your office or cubicle for comfort, and add soft music if that helps you relax more and focus better.

Finally, find ways to complete tasks in an easier way. If you have hand pain when folding newsletters and brochures, ask for help or try to convince your boss to buy a folding machine. You won’t always be able to incorporate the best ergonomic ideas and designs into the workplace, but the key is to find as many as you can to make your work life easier and more comfortable.


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