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How to achieve your goals leaving the SMACK!

Sometimes I just want to walk up to people, punch them in the face and say “WAKE UP! You may live an extraordinary life!” Okay, so maybe I really don’t want to beat them up, because I’m not a violent person at all. I do want to SMACK them down, though. Because most people just go through life, living a good life. So, what? how come some people live extraordinary lives?

In my previous article, “The ABC’s of Success,” I taught you the easiest way to be successful at anything you want. Living an extraordinary life is really about the ABC’s of success. Most people have no idea what “A” to take and how to be a “C”. However, none of that matters if not “B!”

What the hell am I talking about? ABC is a hit equation and if you miss an element, just like math, the equation doesn’t work. Just like your goals, unless you do the work, having the life you want…it just doesn’t add up! So let’s get down to business and take down your targets!

Years ago, “The Secret” came out and moved everyone again with his life. People saw a new vision of his life and their belief was through the roof about what his life could be. So why haven’t most people changed anything in their lives? I’ll tell you, it’s because the secret they didn’t tell you is that you actually have to do something to reach your goals in order to get what you want in your life.

“OOOHHHH, do I really have to DO something? Can’t I just sit on the couch, watch shows about mansions and yachts and eat cheese doodles? In fact, I have to work for what I want in life. That sure was a secret to me!” people said. “But what do I do? I want to be rich and happy and achieve my goals, but none of that seems to have happened to me. I guess this just isn’t working.”

BREAKING NEWS! This works! YOU DO NOT! So wake up! Get off the couch and start putting the punch in what you want in your life. Of course, you need to know what you want in order to work on it, right? So where do you think would be a good place to start? How about you identify what you want for your life!

Here is the ‘S’ when leaving the blow. Be SPECIFIC about what you want. Be specific about the steps you need to take to get what you want. Start creating the life you want by being specific.

But haven’t you been specific before? Haven’t you been specific about what you want every year on New Year’s Day? Probably. But what you have not been is motivated by your why. The ‘M’ is being MOTIVATED by your WHY. Unless you care about what you want on a deeply personal level, you won’t stay motivated to achieve your goals.

The ‘A’ in the alphabet of success has a lot to do with the ‘A’ in leaving the hit. But they are not the same. This ‘A’ has to do with ACHIEVE. What are you achieving? Specific and motivating steps towards your goal. Setting big goals in life is not scary. Especially when you break them down into smaller, more achievable steps. Reach your smallest goals and eventually you will reach your biggest goals in life.

If you have a motivational reason, chances are you have the ‘C’ you need to be successful. You have to be COMMITTED! Commitment is doing what you said you would do, long after the mood in which you said it has worn off. It’s not easy living the life you want, but it’s simple! Commit yourself and you will have the life you want.

Finally, KEEP GOING! The ‘K’ is to keep going and keep the momentum going. You might go off the rails from time to time, but don’t go off the rails like a freight train, you’re human. People make mistakes and get sidetracked. Just because you fail doesn’t mean you’re a failure. The only way to truly fail at a goal is to give up completely. So keep going!


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