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How to create attraction in women

As you’ve heard in the seduction community, “Attraction is not an option.” Let me rephrase that in a different way, attraction is not an option for women, but it is an option for men.

You see that when you create attraction in a woman, she doesn’t think about it on a conscious level, she feels it on an emotional and unconscious level. To create this attraction in women you have to be attractive as a man and when I say that, you have to continually work on yourself to be the man that women want.

Well then, how do you become this attractive man? This is what you should focus on that will naturally attract women.

BE THE MAN – I know it sounds a bit cliché, but it is important that you focus on being. Women are naturally attracted to men who live life together. Think about this for a moment, what if all men communicated as women, showing their emotions and undressing them before them? You would not only be like a friend to her, you would be a man who does not have his life in order. She can’t see you as a stable man in her own way. There is no rock to lean on. When you are with a woman you have to be able to display this kind of unaffected behavior to the world around you. Nothing puzzles you. It’s an attractive trait to have because most women don’t have the kind of behavior that you naturally should have to begin with. Don’t be like “little chicken”, oh no, the sky is falling! She would feel uncomfortable around you because there is no stability.

BE AN ALPHA MAN OF SOCIAL STATUS – You don’t have to have a lot of money to start with, you just have to behave in a way that tells her on an unconscious level that you are an alpha male. You do not accept second-class behavior from anyone, you do not try to impress her or get her approval, you are not amazed by her beauty, you tease and tease her all the time, you do not care about anything. or don’t give a rat’s ass for being socially acceptable. I used to behave like this in high school and couldn’t understand why so many of the girls were attracted to me since I was not the prettiest boy in school. That is something I learned at a young age. Right now I have taken what worked and still apply it to this day with a much better focus on what I want.

CHALLENGE – Have you ever seen when you were on the playground when you were a kid in elementary school, you used to see your friends being chased? I used to show a girl that I was interested in her by doing something crazy to her like putting a grasshopper that I caught in the grass in front of her face and releasing it. Then he would scream and start chasing me around the playground. What does this have to do with attraction? Well, if you take that in real time today, but leave the childishness behind, it still works! You do it by joking around and flirting in a way that challenges her. She knows you’re interested, but you also show her that you can go about your business without her consuming you. This creates not only a challenge, but creates that excitement in her. Which brings me to my next point; you have to create a flirty atmosphere.

FLIRTING / PLAYFULNESS – Like the story of the grasshopper, I used to create attraction in a girl that I liked when I was a child. When you play with her and feel comfortable playing with her, you create attraction and excitement in her. His emotions are very high. If you are too serious, he will not only think you are boring, but he will not want to continue the dialogue or interaction with you. Why would she want to? There is no need for it because it is an emotional creature and wants to feel emotions, good or bad. Once the emotion is aroused, there is no choice in being attracted to it. She can’t feel anything but attraction to you.

MAKE YOUR SEX INTENTION KNOWN – If you don’t do this, she will put you in the friend zone so fast that you won’t know what hit you. The friend zone is where most men enter because they want to be careful not to offend a woman in a sexual way. Hi guys! I’m not saying you grope women or be a bully. You want to be assertive, not aggressive. You have to be able to show sexual intent with her in subtle ways, such as through eye contact, tone of voice, body language, proximity, escalation, and using sexual expressions that tell her that you are a man and that you are more than just a friend, you are a man who is a sexual being, like her. If you focus on not offending her and make those mistakes early on, you will definitely be in the friend zone. However, if you focus on being a sexual being that is expressive, she will ignite with that energy that you give her and she will want to express that sexual being in return.

GIVE HIM A MOUNTAIN IN THE MOUNTAIN USING PUSH / PULL – Pushing / pulling is a way of shifting her emotions from left to right, sometimes to a point where she feels comfortable being around you, like she’s losing your attention and then feeling uncomfortable and chasing you. It’s a way for her to have to work for you. You can do this verbally or non-verbally.

USING HUMOR – Humor and laughter are universal. It occurs in all social interactions of different races and ethnic groups. When you use humor, you trigger addictive chemicals in the body. Everyone loves to laugh but not everyone does it on a daily basis. When you use humor to attract women, you will unleash emotions in her that will make her want you even more.

USING BODY LANGUAGE – Body language is also universal. Happens all the time; most people don’t realize what they’re doing with their subtle body language cues. When you use it in the right way, it becomes powerful in a way that draws women to you. When you want to represent power and dominance, your body language should be open, such as a wide stance, feet shoulder-width apart, and it should take up a lot of space and space.

USE THE ENVIRONMENT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE – You can use your environment around you. They are everywhere. If you want something to happen in a romantic way, then you will have to set the mood, and to set the mood, you will have to be in an environment that creates that mood. An example would be a place with a view, lounge chairs by the pool, or simply being on the beach listening to the ocean waves crash against the shore. You just have to be creative in a way that elicits emotions in her. She doesn’t want a guy to take her to the movies, that’s normal and boring, that’s what all the guys have done before. So don’t do that.

LEADING WOMEN – People in general secretly want to be directed. Most of the people are followers. Not many guys take that initiative. So when a woman meets a man who doesn’t know how to lead the interaction or even the relationship, it diminishes, then she wonders if the guy is really a man. When you date, women expect you to lead. Leadership is a skill that is learned and formed through behavior.

There you have it, those are the guidelines on how to attract women!

When you follow these simple guidelines to create attraction in women, you will not only see a major change in the way you think, but you will also make it part of your way of thinking and your lifestyle. To attract beautiful women, get your copy of David DeAngelo’s Double Your Dating e-book. This is a book that helps you become attractive in many ways that women yearn for.


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