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Real Estate

How to Find Investment Deals for 10 Cents on the Dollar

Because I wanted my article to detail the exact steps you need to take to be more successful in real estate investing than you ever dreamed possible, I had to sit down and go through some very important issues that all of you are likely to face as you start investing. Nothing more than little bumps in your road, but still, these same issues can cause people to literally throw in the towel before they even get started.

Now why is this happening?

Well, because there are certain issues and situations that will require you to “think outside the box” so to speak, and gather resources that you may never have thought of before… but you’ll get started. Realize that these same resources can be your best friends in your future investor. I know on the surface this is a bit confusing to follow right now… but please bear with me, because in the long run this will all fit together and make perfect sense to you.

Years ago, over a decade now, when I first started investing in real estate, there were many times and situations where I took the old “long way” to get answers to questions I had, because everyone I spoke to seemed to give a different answer along with their personal view of what they thought I really needed to know. It’s confusing, to say the least, and really irritating when you’re starting something new (or even if you’ve done it a few times before) and you’re not sure exactly what steps to take next, who to talk to, and what to do. tell them etc

Also, most people starting out in this field really want to branch out and get away from their 9 to 5 daily grind and start living the life they know they deserve. And most people don’t have tons of startup money just lying around or burning a hole in their pockets; every penny counts. Even if you have a lot of money lying around, it’s not necessarily in your best interest to use it, but again, that’s later. My main problem was getting people started on the right foot, with a clear analysis of their current situation, and from there, details on exactly where they need to start.

So with that in mind, use this article as an educational section to give you an idea of ​​where to start looking for certain things you’ll need to help you with your investment. In fact, I recently went through this article and so not only will you get the best and most up-to-date information for your future investor, but you’ll also get some resources to help you and your family in other areas of your life too! win-win situation!

So let’s get some facts out there… if you’re serious about investing in real estate (or any other type of business for that matter), this step absolutely cannot be ignored.

More than half of the people in this country right now have some kind of pending legal situation. If you are in business for yourself, be it real estate or any other type of business, you will almost certainly get into a legal matter and/or need expert legal advice at some point. It can seem pretty overwhelming and almost enough to scare you away from the idea of ​​starting out in this whole game anyway.

For a long time, I promoted a discount legal plan with benefits covering some basic areas of real estate contract review and consulting with a lawyer in your own state that worked quite well for many of my clients. You may have heard of the company before; it’s called PrePaid Legal, and it’s still around. I myself was subscribed to this plan and used their legal services quite frequently for a long time.

The plan was affordable and worked on a month-to-month basis with no long-term contracts or anything like that. So I told my clients to check this out as an option.

The only thing was that as real estate got more complicated and things like “creative” contracts started popping up everywhere, a lot of the valid questions my clients had couldn’t be answered by the attorneys in this legal plan, because those questions seemed to fall. outside the fields of specialization of lawyers.

Everyone always has a lot of legal related questions when dealing with real estate, and I do my best to help answer as many as I can.

But I’m not a lawyer/accountant/tax consultant/financial analyst/etc, so instead of just “guessing” what would work in those situations, I wanted to find something that would best help my students. Face it; When there’s an offer up for grabs and you’ve got a creative 10-page real estate contract in front of you and you can’t tell for sure if it’s the best deal you can get, you definitely want someone knowledgeable to be able to look at it and tell you exactly what it means. .

These are just a few of the many questions most beginners have once they start getting involved in deals and going through the paperwork (I’m sure you’ll find yourself saying, “Yeah, I wanted to know that too!” about a few of them… or at least you will in the future!)

or “Who is the grantee and grantor in a closing?”

or “Do real estate forms have to be notarized?”

or “What does tenure in common mean?”

or “What is the difference between a guarantee and a quitclaim deed?”

or “What exactly is a creative real estate contract? Is it legal in my state?”

or “I’m just a beginner, should I incorporate? What state should I incorporate in? Or what should I do to maximize my tax benefits with my real estate investment?”

or “I just filed for bankruptcy; how easy will it be for me to start investing in real estate?”

That’s just a very small sample and believe it or not, all the topics are interrelated. They deal with people’s need to know very important information from a knowledgeable professional in the field. As much as I would love to be able to help in this regard, as I said before, I’m not a lawyer or anything, so legally I can’t give advice on law, incorporation, etc. Number one, it’s unethical from a business standpoint since I don’t have the formal training or experience and number two, because I don’t have the formal training or experience, I could accidentally overlook something that’s important to my clients. know and that could be the ‘make or break’ in your situation, and I don’t want something like that hanging over my head.

So, I kept looking for something with staying power that could help my clients. Fortunately, we are now in the “information age”, and while there is so much useful information online, it is sometimes difficult to determine which is the best versus which is the most cost-effective for your particular situation, etc. And I will always provide you with the best and most cost-effective (for free, if possible) information that I can find. So after a few years of looking for many different options, I found one that I would like to share with you now.

This is a more advanced package that I am currently a member of and since I have had good experience with this company I recommend them to help you with your real estate deals. Your entire program has literally increased my investment income by 225% in less than 6 months!

Talk to you soon,


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