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How to fix your credit score and maintain good credit

One of the most frustrating things is seeing people get out of debt but then get back into debt. Sometimes we know what’s bad for us, but we do it anyway. Next thing you know, you have collectors calling at all hours.

How can you fix your credit score and keep that credit score healthy in the future? It’s not rocket science, but it can feel like it sometimes. So let’s break it down.

Here are some things you can do to keep your credit score healthy and stay out of debt:

Payments: Always pay your monthly bills on time. One of the main reasons people go back into debt and have bad credit is because they miss a payment and then feel like they might not make another. This is not a good strategy to have a healthy credit history.

Stay up to date with your payments: A missed payment occurs. Maybe you had some free time at work; maybe a family emergency arose. Now he doesn’t have the money and he doesn’t make a payment, but the next month he’s back to normal. The important thing is to get back on track and stay there.

Payment on time: Are you paying your bills, but paying them late? Many times your credit score will be damaged beyond belief simply because you refused to pay on time. Consider paying your bills with your first paycheck after they arrive, not before they’re due. Just a few late payments can destroy all the hard work you put into getting that healthy credit score.

Collections: Whatever you do, don’t let a collection agency hook you up again. A bad debt that is sent to the collection agency will stay on your credit report for 7 years! That means that for 7 long years you will have bad luck when it comes to loans, and you will always pay more than others. Don’t let this happen, pay your bills on time!

Communication: Are you having a hard time staying out of the water? When you know a bill isn’t going to be paid, it’s always a good idea to call or email the business or creditor. And if you’re in debt now, contacting the creditor directly is much better than having a collection agency come after you.

Inspect your credit reports for accuracy: Paying for your own mistakes is extreme enough; you don’t have to be punished by someone else. Verify that your credit reports accurately reflect your obligations and payment history.

Set up installment updates on your invoices: Paying on time, also called payment history, means 35% of your credit score.

Stop using your credit cards so much: This is an alternative method to say live within your methods. As long as you have your credit card obligation under control, it’s a great idea to efficiently rely on large, hard-earning money to pay off some of your obligations. Get a protected credit card if you need to build your credit history. Secured credit cards work like checking cards.

This list is not exhaustive and there are many more issues that could directly affect you.

If you have credit problems right now, contact us. We have worked with people to get their lives back and we are ready to work with you and your creditors to get yours back.

Call 1-844-674-4488 or email [email protected] today to change your credit score.

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